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                         || Present||

It had been a whole week since she followed me to my stop,well more like she was stalking me. So it was interesting to say the least, she showed up with Silica at her usual stalking time but I wasn't unaware of the reason why I just simply didn't mind it.

Raine: "Hey you"

She spoke casually

*someone's gotten a big head all of a sudden*

I thought to myself

Silica: "Hey"

She fell dead silent as I glanced at her about to pronounce my name, she read my expression perfectly and simply stopped at "hey"

"I guess you think I'm holding a grudge, hmm maybe" I thought

Raine didn't miss my expression or Silica's interpretation this dam girl is becoming more annoying.

I mean what's the use of having someone around that you can't fool.
I simply continued my end-of-the-day walk to freedom

and they followed behind, my usual stalker and now her trainee.They were chatting lightly when I noticed that they seemed quiet all of a sudden, well we were approaching their stop so most likely that was the reason.

*sighs* "nothing is ever that simple now is it." I thought to myself as I watched Silica struggle to find words to say to me after asking me if she could talk.

Me: "So talk"

I uttered coldly

Silica:. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I waited for a few minutes and as

Raine was about to step in I spoke

Me: "ok Scili i'll make this easy for you,
there is no need to apologize,I don't care what you or any other creature
thinks of me you should know me better than that Or so I thought".

Silica looked like she was just told that a close family member died, she was mortified.

I had intentionally cut off her escape because I did not want to have this conversation outside of this moment.

Raine: "You, why would you do that, can't you tell she is sorry and she just wanted to apologize".

Me: "hey stalker lady your no exception to what I just mentioned, I don't get paid overtime to babysit you or to act as your bodyguard".

You've been wanting to say something too for the longest while. Look people are not my forte cuz you are either liars or just stupid". I spoke

Raine: "did you just call me stupid?"

*Wow that's all she got from all that? * I thought

Raine: "also, it's not like that at all and I think you are going to far

*too far was me letting you stalk me for a whole week and not calling the police*

That is what I thought, but since I was too tired of the exchange already I just simply walked off.

                       ||Silica Pov||

I came straight home, I didn't even tell Raine goodbye I was too ashamed and I couldn't hold the tears back any longer.

I cried so hard that my eyes became foggy and I could hardly see, but I knew he would have been mad just not like that.

He wasn't always like that it might be hard to think of but

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