Chapter 13

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JeongWoo POV

Sitting at the corner of a 16 square feet ring, I clenched the edge of white band in between my teeth to tighten my hand-wraps. I never thought I'm going to do this again. The damp room smells like a mix of mold, copper, and alcohol. Just like how it was a decade ago. 

Few cracks scattered on the wall, the evident of how old this building is. Dozen of teared punching bag stack on the corner wall. I remember the one that stacked in the bottom, the most ruined one, the old victim of Haruto's wrath. I don't know why they still keep those there.

"You're early." Said Haruto, Walking from the door with a smug face. His gloves and hand wrap hang over his shoulder.

I snorted. "You're late as always." I said as I tighten my shin wraps. "Hurry up. We don't have whole day."

He stripped off his clothes, leaving only the black shiny shorts. He pushed two ropes apart and slide into the ring. "Still an impatient jerk." He commented.

I watched as he wrap his hands and his ankles with long white fabrics. I noticed he grow muscles over the years. Still leaner than me but his muscles more prominent compared to the last time I saw him. And that freaking long legs of him, looks stronger and less flimsy. 

"Enjoying what you see?" He said. Although I can't see his face while he bent down to wrap his ankle, I can tell he's smirking.

"Asshole." I rolled my eyes. I put my open finger gloves on and starts warming up. "Are you done princess?" I said when I saw his gear fully in place.

We both stepped to the middle of the ring, fists up, guarding our temples. "Patience is virtue." He chuckled. We bump our fist against each other as a sign to start our match.

"Don't lecture me on patience." I throw a jab to his face that he easily block with his hands.

I took a quick step forward and punched him on his side, he locked my hand and throw a side kick on my unguarded upper waist, making me flinched to the side. "Ck. Slowpoke." He scorned.

This is the difference between me and Haruto. My punch are stronger than him but he's faster, thanks to his lean figure. I can knock him out with two or three direct punch on his head but its hard to compete with his speed. He would dodge, block, and locked my punch and do quick counterpunch or kick me with that damn long legs.

Haruto took a step forward, causing me to take one back. He goes to take another step forward and swing his hand for a hook directly to my temple. I grunted from the small amount of pain he created but didn't back down. I bring my arm down to my side before pushing it hard to his stomach. He groaned and move backward.

"Still can't handle my punch eh?" I snickered. 

He chuckled and put his guard up. "Maann. This is fun." He said. His eyes sparks, a sign that he's getting excited with our match and going to take it seriously. I'm not afraid with it. I'm going to be afraid if that sparks gone and his eyes became dull and empty, means he's losing control of himself and going to send whoever his opponents unconscious.

Twenty minutes in, both of us drenched in sweat. My legs starts aching and bruises starts to form on my torso and arms. Although he isn't in a better shape than me, I can tell he's going to win the match.

I move forward and landed a straight punch on his stomach. He grunted but I didn't give him time for a counterattack. I pulled my hand and hit him at the same spot while my other arm went around to hook his shoulder. While I'm focus with my upper strength, he took it as a chance to sweep kick my leg.

Sadly, I swayed on my feet, trying to catch my balance and he tackled me to the ground before I had time to steady myself. This is it, he's going to finished me with his speedy punches. Three punches latter, I tapped the ground for a defeat.

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