Chapter 31

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Haruto POV

I was walking halfway towards Yoonbin when I suddenly smell that scent. I stopped walking and sniffing the air like a wolf finding its mate. I looked around the crowd, switching my gaze from one face to another yet I don't sense that girl among them. I had this strange feeling where I could recognize her even without knowing her face.

Like a trained dog, I walk passed the crowd and follow the scent. My heart skipped a beat when my eyes caught the familiar figure walking few feet away in front of me. I ran to her and grab her wrist.

The scent came strong from her body as she spun around because of the way I stopped her. I was right. She was the girl I'm looking for. I bent my arm and pulled her closer to see her face. She yelp and lift her face.

The moment our eyes caught one another, I felt butterflies on my stomach. No, scratch that. That's too sweet to my liking. I felt my stomach burn with fire. Okay, that's more suitable considering we were in the middle of chaotic race track in front of the garage.

And fire suits this girl more than butterfly. Her sharp foxy eyes boring onto mine. I almost thought a real laser going to come out from her eyes and kill me on the spot. Strangely enough, I found it attractive.

"Who are you?" I asked. My voice came harsher than I had planned. She didn't respond and just glare at me. Did I scare her? "Uh.. May I know your name?" I asked again, this time a little bit softer.

"Get your fucking hand off of me!" She spat. Uhh.. Fierce! Right my style!

I smirked and tighten my grip. "Not until you tell me your name, princess."

Her eyes widened from the pet name. "Fuck off!" She hissed. She pulled her hand hard and leave me standing like an idiot.

Her scent stuck on my hand. I sniffed my hand and inhaling the scent. As weird as it sounds, I grinned widely as I watch her walk away. "I'll find you again, princess." I murmured under my breath—

I quickly yanked my hand away from Hyunhee without making an unnecessary scene and continued to distribute the files while trying to look as calm as my face could pull off. Inside, my chest was drumming hard from anger. I was furious with myself for letting Hyunhee take over my mind from mere a hand touch.

That memory wasn't even worth to remember. It only brought pain. It all started there. I almost lost JeongWoo and Lyn. I almost lost my own life. Eight people died because I was too stupid to let myself fall for her, because I was obsessed with her. The thought of it made me sick to my stomach.

I was drenched in sweat when I returned to my seat. My hands were shaking, my head felt like it was being hit by a steel bat over and over again. A steel bat. It felt like only yesterday one of Hyunhee's friends hit me with a steel bat as somehow I could remember the pain vividly in my head.

I didn't get such experience when Lyn told Junkyu Hyung about our story. I treated it simply as a history that was written in a book, hidden somewhere deep inside a library with other books, and never to be opened again. But with Hyunhee here, it felt as though it was no longer a history.

"Haru, are you okay?" Junkyu Hyung leaned closer and whispered. "Should we stop this and go home now?" He rubbed my back then his eyes moved frantically in worry. "Haru, you're sweating a lot."

I put my trembling hand on his thigh and shook my head. "No. I'm fine. Let's get this over as soon as possible." I said. Even without a necktie, I felt stuffed and choked as I spoke. My lungs badly need air to breathe.

Fortunately, my terrible condition also applied to everyone inside the room. They nervously shifted on their seats as their eyes scanned the files.

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