Chapter 2

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Subject: Homecoming Party 


Hey mate, welcome back to London. So your sister asked me if I'd be willing to do her a favour and throw you lot a homecoming party. I know how you feel about parties, but she's such a sap and really wants to properly celebrate your triumphant return to the UK. I figured a compromise.

I've been bar tending at HQ and my boss agreed to a little impromptu party in the VIP lounge so you'd be in the club and have your party too, bit of a win-win I thought. Heads up, though, Emma went through you contacts (idk how she got your password) and invited some of the band's mutual friends already. Not entirely sure who, but she said something about Ivy Jones and Daragh Daly. Oh, and I'm pretty sure she asked your gf too. Let me know, it's never too late to cancel.



Subject: RE: Homecoming Party 

I do actually think there are times that are too late to cancel like two hours before everyone's due to arrive, but I do appreciate the offer. No, it sounds excellent, definite win. Not exactly a crazy party I'll have to clean up but still enough so Kellin'll stop whining. And you know how much I love Club HQ.

Thanks for curbing Emma, I'm sure she was a nightmare,



Kellin Quinn (@KellinxQuinn)
Someone values tradition. Thanks @OllyMurs #wasntwhining #niallsmean

Niall Horan (@Niall_Horan)
Excited to see @EmmaHoran and @OllyMurs tonight #funtimes #noplacelikehome #ClubHQ #Kelwaswhining 

Summer Rose (@rosieposie)
Party At A Rich Dude's House #miley 

William Donny (@William_Donny)
"@rosieposie: Party At A Rich Dude's House #miley" So,.basically this is my life. But who's excited for this party? 


Summer was twerking, not well, mind you, but she was giving it her best shot even as she persistently downed what had to be her third Cosmo in the last hour and a half. If he was a better friend, Louis would stop her, but she'd started getting heavy handed with the drinks around the time that some big-breasted, purple-haired punk-rock chick had started whispering in Liam's ear while he bought her drinks. Quite frankly, Louis didn't have the heart to stop her downward spiral; after all, sobriety took away those beautiful rose-colored glasses that allowed her to twerk with abandon instead of bitterly eyeing the pair so he let it go.

Louis, on the other hand, was buzzed, barely, since he'd paced himself and downed two glasses of water between every girly cocktail he'd shot back at the bar. Plus he was a poor uni student on a rather small budget, though he'd yet to pay for a single drink between his ongoing flirtation with the bartender and his numerous dance partners, almost all of whom had taken his raunchy grinding and butterfly kisses as some sort of sign that he was looking to sleep with them, which isn't to say he wouldn't, just that it had been too early to slip away from a perfectly good party just for a satisfactory one night stand.

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