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Blitz: I need 28 lightbulbs for 28 ducks.
Hearth: Ducks can’t eat lightbulbs?
Magnus: I think that’s the point.
Blitz: Exactly. I want my ducks to glow so I can find them.


Hearth: Blitz and I were crossing the street, and this man drove by and honked at us.
Magnus: What did you do?
Hearth: They chased him to the next red light, and reached into his window, and-
Blitz: *walking in* Who wants a steering wheel?


Blitz: When you work at lush and a customer comes in and bites the soap because they think it’s cheese... this happens way more frequently than you think.
Magnus: If you stopped literally presenting soap as deli food this wouldn't happen.
Blitz: Who goes into a bath store and thinks something covered in glitter is cheese?
Hearth: Who goes to the store and just takes a bite from the cheese?


Blitz: So, Hearth is no longer allowed to take the trash out at night.
Magnus: Why?
Blitz: Because I've caught them trying to train raccoons to fight five times in a row.
Hearth, arms crossed and pouting: You'll be thanking me when the third raccoon battalion saves your ass.


Magnus: Hey, Hearth, are you free on Friday? Like around eight?
Blitz: Yeah.
Magnus: And you, Blitz?
Blitz: Umm... yes?
Magnus: Great! Because I'm not. You two go out without me. Enjoy your date!
Blitz: Did they just-


Blitz: I like to think of myself as a semi responsible adult here.
Magnus: Hearth is 70% of your impulse control and you know this Blitz.
Hearth: I feel like Blitz is the more responsible one of us two though.
Blitz: We are both 70% of each others' impulse control.
Hearth: Just two lil beasts in pinwheel hats spinning on the merry-go-round at dangerous velocities, holding each other’s hands so the other doesn’t fall off.


Magnus: Onion rings are vegetable donuts.
Hearth, used to Magnus being dumb: Sure...
Magnus: Your stomach thinks all potatoes are mashed.
Hearth: Okay?
Magnus: Lasagna is spaghetti flavored cake.
Magnus: Lobsters are mermaid scorpio-
Hearth: Jesus, that one is a little-
Blitz, interested: No, no, Magnus, keep going


Magnus: I’m not a doctor I’m a medic.
Hearth: What’s the difference then?
Magnus: Well doctors actually save lives, medics just make you feel more comfortable as you die.
Blitz: Note to self; never get shot.


Hearth: I just had a long talk with Magnus and Blitz about hitting and now they are yelling “it’s my turn to perpetuate the cycle of violence” before hitting each other.


*Something crashes*
Blitz: Shoot-
Magnus: *running into the room in a panic* WHAT FELL?!
Hearth: *walking by the room calmly* What died?


*playing twister*
Magnus: Right hand red.
Hearth: *ends up on top of Blitz*
Blitz: You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?
Magnus: I stopped spinning like 15 minutes ago. Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't notice.

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