Sleeping With Danger. (A Harry Styles Love Story)

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"Let's get another drink!" My best friend Jessie shouts over the loud music. I nod my head and follow her to the bar. We were at our usual club. We danced, we drank, we got drunk and what happens after that we usually couldn't remember.

Tonight was a lot more crowded then it usually is, but we didn't mind.

"Two beer's!" Jessie tells the bartender.

"Coming right up" he smiles at us, then brings us our drinks. I sip on my beer and look out at the crowd of people grinding on each other to the music. Me and Jessie finish our beer and head back out to the crowd and start dancing together. Her jet black hair was put up in a pony tail.

"It's fucking hot in here" she complained.

"I know, but im having too much fun to leave" I smile, putting my blonde hair up as well.

"I think im going to leave, will you be okay?" she asks.

"Yeah, i'll be fine" I answer, she nods and hugs me goodbye.

"Awesome, I just got ditched by my best friend" I sigh to myself. For some reason all of the sudden, someone catches my eye. Over in the corner was a tall guy with thick curly brown hair, wearing a blazer with a white T-shirt underneath.

Great. Harry freakin Styles was here. Ive never been much of a fan of his. The way he walks around acting like he can get any girl he wants makes me sick. What the hell was he doing here anyway? I knew he liked to club, but ive never seen him at this one before.

I grew up in America but moved to London with my family when I was 13. I loved it here, except for the constant raining. I sigh and continue dancing by myself. I feel like someones watching me so I turn around and see that Harry was looking at me, up and down. I felt like going over there and kicking him in his baby maker.

But I just ignored it. That was till I felt someone wrap there arms around my waist, I slap the persons hands off and turn around and see Harry.

"What the hell do you want?" I spat.

"Nice to meet you too" he says with a slight chuckle.

"Your the one that decided to touch me" I glare.

"I was only being friendly" he smirked.

"Yeah? Well not with me you aren't" I say and turn around to leave, only to have Harry grab my hand and pull me back to him so we were close together, this time so close our chests were touching. He looked down with a smirk, clearly enjoying the view.

"Like what you see?" I glare.

"Mmm, very much" he smirks, licking his lips. I give him a disgusted look and attempt to push him away, but failed. He was twice my height and was of course a lot stronger.

"Let. me. go" I say.

"Come on babe, dance" he smirked, and started grinding on me.

"Not with you" I spat.

"Oh? And why not?" he asks with an amused smirk.

"Look. Isn't it clear that I don't like you?" I glare at him.

"Yes. I like that your hard to get" he says as he brings his face close to mine with a smirk. Before I could do anything he smashed his lips hard on mine. I try to push him off but failed again. That makes him smirk and he kisses me harder. He wraps his arms around my waist and slides one hand down my back till it was on my bum and he squeezed it, making me gasp. He took advantage of that and quickly slid his tongue in my mouth, exploring every inch of it. I let out a soft moan, making him smirk. I wanted so much to pull away, even though he was a very good kisser. But his strength was too much for me, and that kind of scared me. Eventually he ran out of breath and pulled away.

Sleeping With Danger. (A Harry Styles Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now