Chapter 12

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Later after we both let the ice cream shop back to the car right after  we both started arguing about whose house we were going to stay

"We are not going to your house," I said in annoyance to him

"Yes you both are going end of discussion"

"Oh so you just come out of nowhere and dish out orders that's where you wrong jack ass"

"You're giving me fucking headache"

"And you want to be around me huh?"

"I Can just ignore you "

Rolling my eyes at him I turn around to the back to look at Jaden to see if he's alright once I see he is I turn around looking out the window watching people walking or running

"I'm not going to your house," I said breaking silent in the car

"Fine just for tonight"

"We're saying at my place forever"

"No way in hell I'm making my son stay here"

"Dad who's Marie?"

"Yeah Hayden, who's Marie?" I asked with my brows raised

"Why you asked Lil Man?"
He asked ignoring our questions

"Remember when you gave me your phone I saw the message from Marie"

"What did the message say, baby?" I asked looking at a panic Hayden

"Lil Man give me the phone," he said in a demanding tone while focusing on the road

Doing as he said Jaden was about to give him the phone when I grab the phone out of his hand. Quickly turning on the screen and tapping on the message to see what it is

"Kay give me my phone"

Ignoring him I continue to look at the message and read it

Maria-Can't wait to come tonight I miss you😽

Strolling down to see pictures of a blonde woman in a black and pink Lingerie with the caption

Maria- how about I give a sneak peek of what you are getting tonight

I think I have seen enough throwing his phone back at him turning my head to look out of the window

Why do I feel this pain in my chest most be heartburn right?. Yeah, heartburn. Can't be that I'm jealous no I could never be I hate him


"Stop jumping on my bed"

We are not even here for an hour yet and he's all over the place

After Hayden drop us off he drove off quickly as he came it must be that whore Maria he's in a hurry get to. The jackass didn't even help me with the bags that mutha fucker I hate him

"Mommy I want pizza please"

"Your hungry already?"


Well, that's what he got from me always hungry or always eating something. Ordering the pizza that comes in no time and finish in no time

"Okay bath time"

Cleaning us both up and dressing ready to sleep laying down on the bed with Jaden already out cold closing my eyes ready to sleep not before saying"What a long day" then I'm off to sleep.


Waking up early in the morning even before my alarm sending an email to Hayden saying I wouldn't be at work today than making breakfast for Jaden to get before school starts. Afterward going up to my room to wake him up

"Jay daring wakes up," I said shaking him the only thing he did was just stir a bit.

God, he's so hard to wake up

Shaking him a little harder and calling him till he's awake. Rubbing his tired eyes before looking at me

"Come on Jay time to get ready"

Nodding his at me still in a sleepy state I lift him out of bed to the bathroom giving him a shower he kinda came out of this sleepy state he was in. Drying him off before coming back to my bedroom to dress him. Afterward carrying him downstairs to eat meanwhile I get dress

Heading back to the bathroom taking a quick shower I hurried out of the bathroom to my bedroom going to my closet grabbing a pair of blue jeans with a white and black shirt with some black and white shoes( AN: her outfit is up top). Doing my hair into a tight bun once I'm done I head out.

"Jaden you're ready?"


Hearing a notification on my phone pulling it out I checked it to see the Uber is here. Heading out the door with Jaden holding my hand. Walking towards the Uber driver's car getting in.

"Where too?"

Telling him where I wanted to go before he drove off

Dropping Jaden off at school then talking to the lady at the desk to only make me or Hayden come to pick up from school afterward I head back to the apartment then I remembered where is mia?

Calling her phone she picks up on the third ring

"Hello Mia"

"Kay, what's up?"

"Where are you?"

"I was spending the night with Kevin sorry I forgot to tell"

"Oh next time give me a heads up next time okay"

"Sorry to get you, worried mom," she said laughing

Laughing Little before I reply
"Very funny when are going get back"


"Okay bye"


Hanging up the phone putting it back into my pocket before heading out the door

Stopping in my tracks when my phone rang taking my phone out of my pocket answering it without looking at the caller ID


"Your living a lie your family is all a lie your perfect world is nothing but lies"

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