Going Back to The Very Beginning

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My mother was a kind woman. She had long, thick, white hair and golden-yellow eyes, as did most of us in Angelica's Dimension. Her wings were large and beautiful. She was modest, but didn't attempt to hide them either.  She could make friends with anyone I ever met. She was generous and genuine with everyone. Especially her family.
     As for my father, his hair was a slightly darker shade of gray than my mother's.  His hair was always darkest at the roots, getting lighter as it got longer. His eyes were red, but he always wore golden-colored contacts. Red eyes weren't common at all in our dimension. So, he hid them, and he never showed his eyes or even wings to anyone.
     My mother and father were quite different but they loved each other unconditionally. Then one day, I was created. A product of my mother and father's love. Angelica had granted them with a beautiful baby, born with gray, shaggy hair and orange-gold eyes.
     Then, one year later, my mother and father were blessed with another child, my little brother. He had inherited my mother's white hair and my father's red eyes.
     We were quite the sight to see, neither of us close to matching the ideal look for two children of angels.  My differences were subtle. I only had a darker shade of white for hair and colored eyes that weren't quite yellow, but not too different as to cause attention. My brother however, his red eyes were very noticeable. My parents made it very clear that absolutely no one could see his eyes.  So, until he could put in contacts, he was hidden away from the world; from other children. Worst of all, they never told us why. I could tell he was lonely and I wish I had stayed by his side more than I had.  He became isolated in his room for many years, even after he was allowed outside he didn't want to interact socially.
     Our parents always made it apparent that we were different. Though, it would be a while before we could really understand how or why.

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