The Day We Knew We Were Different

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The day we knew we were different. It was a fairly normal day. My father was cooking in the kitchen and my mother was off at work. Rene and I, about 5 and 6, were running around the living room.
Now, if you were like those early on in dimension Y's development, you wouldn't have any sort of magic. Your parents would worry of you getting hurt and tell you not to run indoors. However for us, getting hurt was not a problem. Any small wound would heal quickly and there would be no threat of permanent death. If the injury were severe enough, you would die, but be revived by your magic as long as your brain was in-tact. This was true for anyone containing Life magic in any dimension. In fact, those born with Life magic in Angelica's dimension cannot die even with brain damage as long as they are still in dimension A. As soon as you change dimensions, you're just like anyone else with Life magic.
At least, that is what we all thought.
As my brother, Rene, and I were running, he fell and scraped his knee. He started crying, as any five-year old child would. My father quickly came around the corner to see what had happened. I tried to console my brother as my father knelt down to look at the scratch.
"That's alright, Rene. It may hurt but it'll heal quickly!" My father reassured him.
Rene sniffled, "It- It will?"
"Yes, just give it a moment." My father rubbed his back and gave him a kiss on the forehead.
So, we waited. And we waited. And we waited a bit more. The longer we waited, the more concern I saw on Father's face.
"Papa it still hurts..." Rene cried, confused.
"I know, son. I'm sorry. I don't know why it hasn't healed yet. Just give it more time and hopefully it'll work."
My father pulled out a communication device and headed towards the bedroom. "I'll be right back, I'm going to call Mama okay?" He said, giving us a worried yet calming smile. "Dabria, watch over your brother for me for a few moments."
"Okay, Papa!"
And so I watched over him. I tried to reassure him and comfort him. Then, I got a little curious as to why father had been taking so long. I had little patience, being only a six year-old. So, I walked up to the bedroom door and rested my ear against it, listening.
Then I heard Father speaking, "I would have asked Dabria to heal him, however she's still young and doesn't know how to handle her magic. And I hate to say it, but on top of that, if he's a fault, she may be as well. I didn't want to risk it." A fault? What does Papa mean? I was very confused at the time, and concerned.
Soon, I hear footsteps coming toward the door. I quickly get back to where my brother is sitting and pretend that I didn't hear anything.
Father then comes out of the bedroom and kneels down next to Rene.
"Papa, why did you lie?" Rene says, beginning to sob.
"Oh, Rene, I'm so sorry. I didn't meant to lie, I thought it would work. It'll be okay, Mama will be home soon and she can heal you for sure." Father says, patting his head. "Forgive me?"
Rene nods while softly crying and holds his arms out for a hug. Father hugs him tightly and looks to me, "Aw you too, Dabria. Get in here."
He extends his left arm, an invitation to join the hug. I happily accept. "Yay! Group hug make brother better!" We all smile.

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