Ch. 31 I will never join you

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Naruto made it to the report room and closed the door behind him, there was only one light and it was dimly lit. there was dust everywhere he laid his eyes on. The feeling of emptiness the room gave off was chilling.

He would have continued on into the room further if it wasn't for the swirling distortion that appeared behind him.

What he saw first was an orange mask with a single eyehole, black spiky hair and a Akatsuki cloak.

"Why hello." greeted the stranger. Naruto's eyes didn't betray any emotion he just simply stared at the newcomer as if he was a nuisance.

"Hi." said Ryū.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Ryū Yokaze, you made quite the reputation when you butchered all those leaf nins and Kakashi during the infiltration of Konoha that was quite impressive, ah but wait let me introduce myself, I am Madara Uchiha." said the now identified Madara. Naruto smirked his deathly smirk and his eyes widened in surprise. From just observing the space distortion he was able to deduce that it was an advanced space-time teleportation ninjutsu.

"Madara Uchiha." repeated Naruto with a happy sigh.

"I take it you've heard of me." said 'Madara' happily.

"Yes I have heard of you I also met you just recently." said Ryū with his now annoying smirk. 'Madara' narrowed his lone eye at Naruto.

"What do you mean, met me?" threatened/questioned 'Madara'.

"No I've never met you, I've met Madara, not you so you can drop the charade now... Obito Uchiha." spoke Naruto. The masked man now known as Obito scowled.

"How do you know that name?!" snarled Obito who had a scowl on his features behind his mask.

"Does it matter?" queried Naruto.

"I guess not," said Obito as he took off his mask. Naruto now saw the Uchiha survivors face, it was horrendously scarred on the right side while it was perfectly fine on the left and he had two sharingan.

"I can only assume you got that left sharingan in your eye after the events of the Uchiha massacre." said Ryū.

"Your quite astute." complimented Obito. "Yes I was involved with the Uchiha massacre, can you believe that Itachi alone can wipe out the entire Uchiha police force in a single night."

"Than you are the accomplice Itachi was with that night." spoke Ryū. He had some questions regarding Obito that needed answering.

"Quite right, Itachi came to me that night asking for my help in wiping out the clan... but enough about the Uchiha I can only assume you have questions." said Obito as he scrutinized Ryū.

"Why yes I do have questions and you being here saves me all the time and trouble of trying to find you." said Naruto. "How did you escape all the rocks that crushed your body during your mission to destroy Kannabi bridge?"

"When I was crushed, I was blind, a boulder obscured my right field of vision and I gave my left eye away to Kakahi yet I was able to feel the small glimmer of light on my cheek through a crack in the boulders... with a new resolve I attempted to crawl through the dark and step into the light... I was able to move my body well enough in the cramped spaces to reach my kunai holster on my right leg, which was also nearly crushed and cut off the remaining arm that was pinned to the boulder and I was able to wrench myself free from the boulder and I climbed up with the rocks as my platforms and with only one arm and a kunai, although it took my days to get out and only the few droplets of water that cascaded down the rocks was I able to survive."

"But how did you get your right arm back?" questioned Naruto with narrowed eyes.

"When I was free from the boulders I saw a strange pale man with yellow eyes and green hair walking around... I killed him with the kunai in my hand believing him to be an enemy... however instead of blood I saw nothing, it wasn't bleeding... so an idea came to my head, I used my basic knowledge of medical ninjutsu, ninja wire and a senbon needle, did I cut off the mans arm and sow it onto my own where it later melded with my body."

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