Out of the picture

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Rain poured down onto the motels window, waking Donna up, she rolled over reaching for her phone, 

She opened her phone, no messages, she prayed that everything was fine, 

But something caught her eye, a text from ward,

Her face went pale,

They had each others numbers from when there family was close, well before her dad went missing, but she was afraid to open it.

She opened the text


 Ward - We know your in Charleston, leave him now or ill kill both of you the way I killed your father, you are a pogue, he is kook.


She shut her phone as Rafe entered the room, he just had taken a shower and his hair was still wet,

Donna smiled, just hearing about how him and her could be killed now, how did he know they were in Charleston? Would he kill his own son? Would he find them? Would she have to leave the boy who said he was in love with her? 

After they had gotten dressed, they decided to continue on and find a boat, or steal a boat,

"I think there should be some by the dock, I could distract somebody, maybe flirt a little, and steal. thei-" She started,

"Are you okay? You seem-" He started,

"Stressed? No, nervous? I'm fine, but what I think we should do is get out of here" She interrupted,

Rafe sighed, "Donna you're up to something? Cause i'll find out, okay?" 

"I- okay listening this morning I got a text from your dad, he knows were here, he knows you didn't get Sarah, and he wants me out of the picture, he said he'll kill both of us" Donna said, slightly getting more quiet.

"Okay then, not what I expected, but way worse, so we need a boat, and then to get back to the outer banks, he won't go there" he paused

"But I wont let him hurt you"


It was easy right? Stealing a boat, piece of cake.

"Whats the plan?" Donna asked, leaning on a wooden pole by the boat launch,

"That boats ready to go, I say we take that one" Rafe pointed to a fairly good sized boat, it was much smaller than the one they had been on,

The owner of the boat started to walk to the public washing about 100 feet away from them, Donna grabbed a map from a pamphlet board for tourists, she ran up to the man, acting as if she was a tourist,

"Excuse me sir" she started, the bald short man looked at her, she greeted him with a smile, also closely watching Rafe creep up behind him,

"Do you know where this is?" She pointed onto the pamphlet, Rafe creep closer, biting his lip as he reached down into his back pocket, gently pulling up the keys, and walking away, silently,

Donna talked to him a little while longer until she saw Rafe on the boat, giving her a nod, they were ready to go, she said goodbye to the man they just robbed, as he continued to the washroom, but she felt an arm grab hers, did someone see them steal the keys, shit, they probably did, she was afraid to turn around, she looked at Rafe, he was now pale, like he had just seen a ghost, before jumping off the running boat, 

Donna turned around,



Donna pulled at her arm, she didn't want to cause a seen, 

But was he going to kill them?

"I told you to leave him Donna, why don't you listen?" He gritted his teeth,

Donna stood silently,

"He doesn't care about you" his words hurt, but what if he was right, 

Rafe stormed over, pushing his dad off of her, pulling Donna back, 

"You told him about the text didn't you? Why didn't you make this easy for him?" Ward paused,

Rafe looked her in the eyes, before walking over to his fathers side, his face was red, but he looked emotionless, again, his dad has him trapped again,

"Give her the keys Rafe" He muttered, 

tears fell down Donnas red cheeks, she wiped her face, taking the keys that Ward grabbed from him,

Donna held the keys gently, studying them, before looking up at Ward, "please don't hurt him okay?" he didn't answer, 

In her heart she knew they would be safer without each other, but before she would leave she gently placed her hand on Rafe's cheek,

"If I stay you'll keep breaking my heart, maybe in another life" Donna smiled through her tears,

Rafe watched her walk away, she didn't want to look back, but she did,

And she mouthed, I love you to him, because she really did, she really did,

Bad guy (Rafe Cameron x OC)Where stories live. Discover now