she took in water

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Donna rolled over in bed, it had been a lot longer than they had planned on leaving, she felt the sheets to see if anyones was there without opening her eyes,

no one

Donna opened her eyes to see no one, he was gone? She heard lots of noise and yelling from outside leaving a sick feeling to her stomach, she grabbed the bag and looked out the window without hesitating, but she didn't see anything, she rushed outside to see what was going on,

there she saw Rafe on the ground being attack by some man, before she could  let out a noise or even do anything she felt something sharp press against her neck, making the unknown man who was hurting him look up.

Donna knew who it was, who had their lives at stake, 

"Dad let her go" Rafe scrambled to get up, but was thrown another inch,

"You should've left, look what its gonna cost you" Donna felt his knife get closer, almost piercing her skin, 

"Inside, now" Ward finished.

We sat on the couch, glass was on the floor, and the knife still near her neck while Rafe sat across the room, looking at the ground. 

"What did you think was going to happen?" Rafe asked finally looking up,

"Ive lost my daughter and I'm not losing you, were in this together" Ward gritted his teeth,

"Don't call me your son" he said in a very upset tone,

"Do you want me to kill her the way I killed her dad?" those words echoed in her ears, giving her mixed emotions, tears welled in her eyes, but she didn't want to cry, she wanted him to feel the same pain that she felt when she lost her dad. She looked Rafe in the eyes, and mouthed run, before she slammed her elbow into Wards stomach, making him drop the knife.

And they ran, they ran through the piles of the broken glass into the back yard, running towards the fence, she slightly turned her head to see him after them. They made it to the fence, Rafe immediately hoping over so easily, and he raised a hand over to help her, she used his hand to climb on to the fence quickly, but a sharp piece of the fence snagged her, making her let out a groan, before continuing, 

Her heart was beating as fast as it ever could, she took in the cold air making it hard to breath but she didn't stop, he grabbed her hand pulling her faster, they ran into traffic making cars stop and honk, she turned around again, they were still there, and she still had the bag, she gave them a petty smile before continuing, they made it to the boat launch, the wood of the dock creaking beneath them, Rafe stopped to Dig in his pocket, he panicked watching the boat they bought tickets for sail away, they both turned seeing the men step onto the dock, she held his hand pulling him into the cold water of September, they swam towards the moving boat, fast, they swam fast. She took in water making her cough.

They were so close, so close, the boat roaring in their faces, Rafe reached his hand out grabbing onto the railing, almost slipping and pulling himself up, and then grabbing hers. They laid on the  floor of the boat, catching their breath as Ward stood at the end of the dock holding a gun and pointing it at him, Donna sat up shaking Rafe, "He has a gun" she whispered, before he could respond the gun was fired, Donna jumped on him covering his stomach.

He missed,

"He missed Rafe" She yelled, her breath now caught up, 

he laughed laughing back down, they were safe.

Bad guy (Rafe Cameron x OC)Where stories live. Discover now