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They all stood at the baseline of the court, the freshmen. There weren't many of them this year, and the coach didn't know what to feel about it. Less kids to deal with? Or less number of potential prodigies? He had no idea.

Even the girl-boy ratio was surprising this year. Usually it would be all laddies and hardly any ladies. This time, however, it was the other way round.

Nice, the coach, Min Yoongi, thought. Good ol' Hyebin will have some company now.

Having taken in his new students, Mr. Min held up his clipboard, and again, it surprised him.

Only two who were on their Middle School team?

Damn, he definitely didn't like it. He'd have to teach everything from the basics to all of them except these two. It was ridiculous, in his opinion. Sixteen-year-olds wanting to learn basketball when they probably didn't even know how to dribble properly. If one genuinely wanted to play the game, they must start learning during their younger years. But, well, he was being paid to teach them, so no big problem for him.

"Kim Y/N," he read off the clipboard, "and Kim Jisoo."

The said girls raised their hands when their respective names were called. The coach examined them before anything else. One girl- Kim Y/N- was of medium height with shoulder length hair tied up in a ponytail, and tanned- as all his students were, the school was too fucking stingy when it came to the Basketball Club so they didn't have an indoor court- and the other girl, Kim Jisoo, was of medium height too, but taller than Y/N, had long black hair tied into a braid, but was fair.

Min Yoongi rubbed the back of his neck. "Are you two sisters or what?"

They blinked in unison.

"No?" Y/N said.

"We don't even know each other, sir," Jisoo added with a polite smile.

"Ah, I see." He let his hand fall to his side. "My bad. So many Kims out there."

The two girls remained silent, waiting for their coach's order, which came in the form of the jerk of one of his thumbs toward his back, where the seniors were practicing a drill on the other side of the court. Both of them were familiar with it.

"Join them," Mr. Min said.

With respectful bows, the girls left, jogging across the length of the court to the other side, standing at the queue to wait for their turns wordlessly.

Wordlessly, for exactly two seconds.

"Jisoo," the black-haired girl held out her hand with a heart-shaped grin on her face.

Y/N smiled back, taking the hand and shaking it, instantly accepting the new friendship. "Y/N."

"Manz, did you see how hot the coach is? Totally sizzling."

"Dude, he's probably a married man with kids," Y/N laughed. "What are you, a reverse pedophile? A philepedo?"

Jisoo rolled her eyes, then looked around. "Well, everyone is pretty pretty here."

"I've heard the captain is a complete ladies' man. Real sweet."

"Sweet and hot," a manly voice came. "He's sweet and hot."

Both girls winced, having been caught talking, and looked behind themselves. A boy with a tall, athletic build was looking down at them. They for real felt like lilliputs in front of him in that moment.

"S-sorry, Mr. . . . ?"

"Captain," he smirked. "The sweet and hot captain."


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