First meeting

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"This is stupid.." Katsuki grumbled as he flipped the pages carelessly not bothering reading the words that was written down the book. His crimson eyes wandered the fairly fancy library as if looking for something interesting. Except the coffee machine, there was nothing really interesting that caught his eye. He was looking for quick gigs online for some money. Once, he got told off the neighbors when he nearly put the front balcony on fire when on some coincidence electric sparks fell down the balcony then caught on 'fire' well atleast thats what Katsuki said anyway. 'That was one time!' Katsuki thought angrily 'Stupid fucking neighbors..' A scowl formed on his face progressively 'I did what they wanted and they ended up telling me off anyway! Tch.' He now full on looked like a teenager that got tied to an outpost while spitting curses on why he didn't win the damn Sports Festival. A scowl that Satan himself probably wore.

While Katsuki was lost in so-called 'thoughts' a certain green-haired man walked up to him.

"Uhh.. H-hello? Can I borrow this book...?
Or did ask at the wrong time." Katsuki looked up only to see Jade orbs looking down on him with hair like a lush bush, freckles dotting out his face like a stone sidewalk you'd see in competetive gardens. His face held slight fear and confusion. Well that is reasonable. He was holding a book one Katsuki did not know the name of. It was tucked close to his apricot sweater it looked fuzzy and warm the blond man would most probably add that to his list of 'decent clothes' but for now he'll take the green-haired mans request.

"Um are you okay?" The 'abomination of a hair' asked while snapping Katsuki out of his trance. "O-oh sorry what is it?" Katsuki asked straightening his self not wanting to embaress himself now. "I just want to borrow this book.. Its not from the Restricted section this time! I swear!" The broccoli said as Katsuki liked to call him, depending on how he looked, and he most definitly looked like a broccoli. "Yeah you can just write your name down, the date of when you borrowed it, and name of the book down the this form. And the book is yours, temporarily." Katsuki said as he slid the piece of paper on the brown desk while handing a ballpen aswell. "Ah, thank you! Also when do I give it back?" The broccoli asked while writing what he needed to write. "You need to return the book 2 weeks prior from today." Katsuki said "Ah okay."


Once the green-haired male left Katsuki took the form checking something.

'So his name is Izuku Midoriya huh..



Heh we'll probably meet again I'll wait til' then.'

Well, thats it for Chapter 1 I hope you enjoyed even though it was pretty short and if there are any mistakes please inform me :) I'll do anything to make it better.

504 words

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