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Katsuki went home after his shift. It was afternoon and he grabbed some food from the street cus he was hungry as hell. He was wearing some casual clothes, a black T-shirt that had a big white skull imprinted on it. You could say he was going through his emo phase. He wore black shorts with fake pockets and his usual orange and black shoes to complete the look. It was the fourth day he was working at the library and the old hag that hired him still hasn't come back yet and nothing unusual happened today either, not like thats gonna happen anyway.

As he walked down the sidewalk he bumped into a certain someone.

"A-ah! I am so sorry, for bumping into you!-"
"You better be-" Just as Katsuki looked up, he suprisingly halted his rude reply. It was the Broccoli from the Library, Izuku that was his name right? "Oh! Its you! I'm really sorry once again for bumping into you!" Izuku said bowing his head deeply. He didn't expect to see him here. "No no its ok, by the way what're you doing here?" Katsuki asked while standing up. Izuku was wearing too, a plain T-shirt that said 'shirt' as the punchline. The broccoli also wore some red converse as shoes it looked quite big if you ask me. He had some headphones in, that was connected to his phone inside the pocket of his black shorts playing some random music or whatever. "Oh, I was just jogging around the area, its part of my training excercise." Izuku said scratching the back of his neck, a habit he did everytime he was nervous. "Excercise?"
"Yeah! Excercise. I train regurlarly with my trainer, but since he isn't here, I might aswell do it on my own I guess." Izuku said with a nervous smile.

Katsuki was intrigued he didn't know there was a gym nearby, he'll probably end up going there anyways not unless if he knew where it was. "Huh, what gym do you go to?"

"I go to 'Muscle' (Author-chan was too lazy to think of an original name @-@) It's a bit too unoriginal if you ask me." Izuku said while typing down on his phone where the gym exactly was. "Ah, I see thank you. I'll keep that in mind." Katsuki said while putting it down in his 'digital notes'. "Well anyways I gotta go, see ya Broccoli" Said the blond-haired man while waving him off.

"See you! And for your informatio, my name is Izuku! Not Broccoli!" Izuku puffed up his cheeks at the nickname, truly offensive if you ask him!

After taking long strides around town, Katsuki finally reached home.

He set the food down the counter and plopped down his comfy, brown couch. While sitting down he searched the the gym up on his phone. Vaguely thinking he'll meet the Broccoli at the gym.

He was too tired after today's events even though nothing really too tiring happened to Katsuki. He thought he was just being lazy.

And being currently lazy as he is, he slept in his outside clothes, drifting into deep sleep not bothering to change out of his clothes.

His last thought was something he forgot to ask Izuku slightly frustrated he didn't ask him. But his frustration quickly simmered down the dark recesses in his mind slowly falling asleep.

Let me know it there were any typos or major/minor mistakes! It helps alot!
~Zisdef   555 words

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