My Wattpad Sweetheart (Midorima Shintaro)

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Disclaimer: I do not own Midorima Shintaro or the anime. Only the OC belongs to me.

This is kind of the Wattpad version of My Facebook Sweetheart. *cough* The book title. *cough* But I promise you, this is going to be a whole lot different and the story will revolve around Wattpad.

Plot. Characters. Twists.

Everything is not going to be the same :)

*mumbles* Because I don't wanna bore you, guys. haha

Maybe the only similarity is that some scenes are still going to be written in chatbox style. lol It depends on how my brain would work in the future, maybe I'll add up some new ideas and stuff.

See? I am a crazy writer. B)

I hope you'll enjoy my every update, the fluffy scenes I'm going to write, and the new ship that will sail.

IMPORTANT NOTE (updated): Please do not use the usernames I used in this book. They are mine. Period.

I am keeping watch guys. So no unaccredited stealing please.

Anyway, thank you for everything! :)

And Opus is Episode in Japanese btw :)

yetyoibabe ♥

My Wattpad Sweetheart (Midorima Shintaro)Where stories live. Discover now