Part 5: Vegas and Back

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I groan with annoyance as they let me go, kicking me out the club and I giggle a little drunkly.

The boys came rushing out the bar. "What the fuck Lavender!" Eddie yells. Gaege walks up to exams my face and body for any marks. "Damn, you whooped his ass." Mully says laughing and high fives me. I see Josh shake his head letting out a chuckle and Grant smacks Mully in the back of the head. "Don't encourage that shit." I roll my eyes pushing Gaege's hands back feeling smothered. "I'm fine. I handled it." I start walking through the parking lot of the nightclub stumbling from time to time. "What the hell did he even do?" Mully asks following behind me. "He called me a faggot." I mumbled as Mully tries to get closer. "What?" I stop turning to him. "He called me a fucking faggot."

Ever since I came out as Bisexual that word always hit home for me. I was harassed in highschool and girls would call me a faggot and told me I would burn in hell for being gay.

"Lavender come on, we are getting a cab and heading home." Grant says knowing I was probably mad and triggered by it. "I want more liquor though." I whine like a child as I ploped on the floor being stubborn. "You made out with a random girl and got into a bar fight in one night. Don't need you doing other stupid shit." Gaege chimes and I flip him off. Josh grabs me from under my arms and pulls me to my feet. "I wouldn't have done it if Mully didn't fucking say if I got her number than I'd win and guess the fuck what, I fucking won!" I yell in victory holding up the napkin. "Really Mully?" Grant and Eddie say in unison looking at Mully and he shrugs.

I know he didn't mean harm in what he said but it was a pretty dumb thing to say to me and he didn't realize it being so messed up like me.

"Alright, I didn't think that this would happen. It was just for fun." He argues with slight laughter. "I'll call an Uber." Josh says. "I'm cold." I whine again making Josh take off his jacket and give it to me while he was on the phone. I put it on. "Look I'm Josh! Mully is a big fat fucking retard." I laugh so hard I fall to my butt making the other boys laugh at me. "Yeah she fucked up." Eddie says as he holds out his hand to help me to my feet but I laughed a little longer before accepting it. "Come, we can walk to store to get water for her." Gaege says.

We walk to the nearest store. "Gaege grab some water, I'm getting her some coffee too and Eddie get her something to eat in case she pukes." Grant explains. They all nod knowing their task and set off to do it. I stood next to Mully. "Where did you learn to fight like that?" He asks as I zipper the Josh's jacket still cold. "Mama ain't raise mo bitch Mully." He laughs. "I'm sorry about the fight bullshit. It was dumb." I shrug. "Kinda was fun, not going to lie." We laugh together as they go pay for what we got. I hug Mully and he hugs back. "You're a dumbass, you know that." I say. He smiles. "Fuck you."

They got three bottles of water, along with one warm coffee, some crackers and applesauce. We walk back to the nightclub and sat in the almost empty parking lot of the bar waiting for our uber.

"Gaege." He looks at me. "I love you." I just randomly say making him laugh, he was more sobbered up than me and just wrap his arm around my shoulder. "You're a weirdo and I love you too." I laugh taking a sip of my coffee.

Time passes and the Uber came. I layed my head on Gaege's arm the whole ride to the airport and he just didn't mind scrolling away on his phone. We made it to airport by 12AM luckily, I stubble up to the nearest trash can, puking my lung out as I was sobering up. "Ew." Josh says gagging lightly and Mully turned around. Gaege holds my hair up while Eddie rubbed my back. "Let it all out." Grant said. I flip him off as Eddie took out a napkin from the bag and wippes my mouth.

I ate some cracker and all my applesauce by the time we boarded our plane at 2:55AM. The plane ride was quiet considering we all had just fallen asleep out exhaustion or drunkness. When we landed, Josh had woken me and Gaege up. "Home sweet Florida." I roll my eyes still sleepy.

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