August Red (part III)

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Leon's pov:

If I used any word to describe how Madam Red and I met it definitely wouldn’t be ‘boring’ or ‘normal’. In fact there really isn’t a single word to describe it. I guess 'eventful' could work but that seems to be an understatement.

Put softly I had tried to kill her.

How do you soften that up? Hm, I’m not quite sure.

Killing people- or trying to kill people is rude… Rude definitely isn’t a good word for that.

Anyway to pay for my ‘rude’ actions I’ve promised to protect her. Which is definitely not an easy job, we seem to be in an unfortunate situation more often than not, I mean she is cursed and all, So it’s expected.

Unfortunately being around her slows your aging down quite a bit. Though she doesn’t age at all she’s completely immortal, I’m not.  Someday my life will come to an end, I'm grateful for that at least.

Endless is an annoying concept.

It is my choice to stay with her,  I could leave at any time and go live a normal life, technically I’m still only 19.

I’ve been 19 for almost 48 years now, it’s quite troublesome. I'll only age once every 50 years.

Thinking about it, lifes kind of like aimlessly walking, no matter how long you walk it feels pointless. That is unless you find a sign telling you what you’re walking towards, some people lose motivation and just stop walking a together. But sometimes you find people or things that make you keep walking whether you want to or not. Maybe that ‘thing’ whatever it is, is dragging you. I can’t tell whether Madam Red Is dragging me or I’m dragging her.
Is it possible for it to be both?  
Of course that’s not the only reason that I stay with her. Those with the Shiya blood are immune to the Red. No matter how hard it tries the Red can’t kill me. It mainly has to do with the black blood that all Shiyans are cursed with.

The reason I say cursed is because though we’re immune to the Red we’re especially susceptible to other magic, exclusively dark magic.

Thankfully I’ll be the last Shiyan....

Or, at least that’s what I thought, until Angel and Mikah arrived.   


Hi! So this is the last chapter of this that I've written, I don't know if I'm going to continue it's kinda difficult finding ideas for the plot. 

Anyway have a wonderful night/day, and remember to hydrate!♥️    

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