Chapter 1

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~Percy's car above or to the side~

~Percy POV~

The rain hammered against my car. Beating down upon me. As if wanting to cause me some harm. Los Angeles weather in April was never this bad when I was a kid. It was always sunny and warm. Rain almost didn't exist. Some bloody welcome home gift the heavens were giving me.

I squinted, trying to see out of my window, peering through the ever falling rain, the dark night sky wasn't helping much. The colourfully lit road is the only source of light around.

I could feel my tyres slide against the tarmac as I raced around the quarter mile mark as I drifted around the barely clothed woman acting as the marking point.

My eyes drifted over to the car parallel with mine. Those mystifying green orbs boring into my deep brown ones.

I kept my eyes fixated on the road ahead of me. We all placed 500 on ourselves. Marcus holds the money while we race. He runs this competition. Friends with my brother. It's illegal. Yes. But that just increases the adrenalin rush. The freedom. I enjoy racing. Since Ive had my license I've raced. I didn't have the skill I needed straight away. No that would be unrealistic. My brother is a street racer. He taught me from the age of fourteen up. Racing is in my blood. It's the only thing that keeps me sane.

Sure one day it will kill me. But it can never break my heart.

Neck and neck I am with the green eyed god in the blue Camaro. My hands worked on their own. Switching gears, making sure not to spin out. Driving felt like second nature to me. Part of me.

The squealing of tyres and most probably girls echoed around me as I cross the finish line with a mere meter between myself and Mr green eyes. I skid to halt in front of the large gathering of people who were cheering and not giving a fuck how wet they are or how little they're wearing. Who's grabbing whose ass and whose shitfaced already.

Looking behind me I see sour faces of envy and hate from the other competitors. Haters gonna hate. But I won fair and square. To suck ma dick!

Mr Green Eyes had his eyes fixated on me. Not filled with envy but with a mixture of slight shock and awe.

First day of the comp. Whoever comes sixth place leaves. And next Saturday fifth leaves. And so on each Saturday until there's only three of us left. Winner wins all on the last comp day. Divided up before the finals between first, second third and forth place.

"Forth place with $300 is Jacob. Third place with $500 is Landon. Second place with $950 is Ashton. And First place with $1250 is Percy. I will see you and the other five races next week." Marcus announced sending a wink my way. I roll my eyes at his persistence. Such a flirt.

I stepped out of my sexy black beauty of a car to collect my winnings.

I saw the appreciative glances and lustful looks from the male population with-in 100 metres of me. Their eyes racking my barely clad body that is just covered in a tight fitting black leather dress with slices taken out of the sides, coming about mid thigh with black knee high leather boots.

I glance around at the boot fulls of un-appealing alcoholic drinks most probably spiked, in the back of 10 or so cars.

"Celebration Party at my place" I announce to everyone around us. Cheering and hooting engulfed my ears.

Even though me and my brother just moved into a new house we unpacked all our things. And have large supplies of alcohol and red cups. We used to throw a party every week back in Florida. So an unplanned, spare of the moment party isn't that much of a problem for us.


My mind was hazy from the vodka, music was pounding in the back ground but I couldn't make out the lyrics. I had a pair of hands on my waist as I grinded against a sexy blonde guy. Tommy? I think. Who cares.

Even in my intoxicated state I could feel a pair of eyes on me. Scanning the room I found the mysterious green eyes of Ashton gazing upon me. He was leaning up against a wall with a beer in one hand.

I don't know what it is about him. But the warmth and tingles down my back I get under his intense gaze makes me uncomfortable. It felt unnatural. And I have you know Percy Andrews doesn't do love. Or relationships. Even acting slightly interested in him will show I'm weak. I can't give in to the desires I dont want. I need to take my mind off this green eyed man. No matter how sexy he is, I hunt men. They don't hunt me.

"Hey, wanna go somewhere quiet?" I whisper in Thomas'? ear seducivly, remaining eye contact with Ashton.

"Love to" the man I'm with says back a smirk plastered on his drunken face.

I grab his hand leading him out of the group of sweat body's, grinding up against each other.

As I waltz past Ashton with a smirk plaster on my face I see amusement with-in his slightly jealous eyes.

That's right bitch, Im the hunter not the prey. Fuck off.

And I scored tonight. One sexy lay. I can pull any man into my trap. I prefer a challenge. And unfortunately Ashton would be too easy. I knew he wanted me. But that's just not how I roll.

I stagger up the stairs pulling open my bedroom door, throwing one last smirk to Ashton before closing and locking the door. Someone's getting laid tonight.


I guess you want to know about me right. I will give you as much as you need to know. But the back story can wait.

My name is Persephone Lillian Andrews. Clearly my mother was drunk when she named me and dad was 'working' because that is the stupidest name I have ever heard in all eighteen years of my Crappy life. I was born in Los Angeles. And not the good side. The shitty side. With ferrels and drug dealers. Me and mum moved to Tennessee during year seven of primary school, and not because she gave a shit that I was continuously bullied by a bitch named Ashley. Hell would freeze over before she could care about anyone. No. We moved to 'look after her mother'. Which I know is complete bullshit. She went to go see her toyboy.

Granted I couldn't have been bullied more if I had a sign on my forehead. I was Ashley's target. And everyone's target. I wore braces. Glasses. I wasn't slim like I am now. But since I left I worked my ass off to be better. I originally came back to Los Angeles for the month long comp but I wanted some finish the shit Ashley started. You know what they say. Revenge is best served cold. I can throw all the insults back in that bitches face. Because I am nothing like a used to be. And I never will be again.


Hey guys this isn't my first book. I'm not an Amateur as many may think. No I have written ten or so books. But if I post something as sensational and lustful. My friends would never shut up about it. So i can avoid any embarrassment I made a new account. Please enjoy. And remember. 18+

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2015 ⏰

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