Chapter 1

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Taeko opened his eyes to find themself hanging upside down in an unfamiliar room, the gears in his eyes analysing everything around him, nothing here seemed the same at all. This wasn't his room at home.

The door to the room opened and Taeko immediately recognised the face.

Taeko: "Shin! My favourite cousin! Do you mind helping down from here?"

Taeko shimmied in the ropes and chains holding him to the ceiling, and Shin let out a light groan as he went closer to get his cousin loose.

Shin: "How did you get up there? It wasn't *me* this time."

Taeko: "Well gee!  If I fucking knew how in the great motherfucking hell I got up here then I wouldn't need to fucking ask you to get me down goddamn it!"

Shin: "Shut up before I leave you here to rust."

Taeko: "Dude.  I can't move like that."

When Shin got Taeko out of the ropes, the bright eyed ultimate fell to the ground.

Taeko: "Dumbass.  Do you know where we fucking are?"

Shin: "Didn't your mo-?"

Taeko: "Where the fuck are we?"

Shin rolled his eyes as he was interrupted from what must have been a witty insult. 

Shin: "I don't know.  But other people are here, so do whatever the fuck you do to hide... that."

At his pause Shin poked near Taeko's eyes, causing the ultimate to pull out a familiar pair of black tinted sunglasses.

Shin: "Really?  *That's* what you've been using to hide that for *years*?"

Taeko stood up as they set the sunglasses on their face, hiding his bright *special* eyes.  And proceeded to quickly walk past his cousin.

Taeko: "They were fucking cheap and we both know I fucking suck at money management!"

Shin followed his younger cousin out as they opened the door. 

A bright light flashes between the twos eyes, though barley affecting Taeko. 
The two heard a shrill and dark, yet familiar, giggle before the light stopped.

Danganronpa: Lovely Slaughter FanganronpaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz