Chapter 1

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Taeko walked off from Shin, something he often *should* be tracked of since he was young, and left the hitman to stand alone after the bright flash.

After wondering off into a large but brightly decorated room, Taeko saw two kids. Around the age of 10-11 and one handing the other, who was in tears, a piece of what seemed like candy.

???: "You look sad, here!  Take some candy!"

???: "R-really?  Thank you!"

Taeko moved on for the kids to see who else he could find anyone else, which he did.
A saddened, and deflated looking young woman in a black bridal dress,
Someone dressed in a pink sundress,
Someone else dressed in a tattered black coat,
And a few others he hadn't bothered to point out.

Maybe he'd go back to the kids, they seemed out of place in somewhere with mostly young adults seemingly also kept against will. That, and Taeko didn't want to have to deal with other people so hard to manage.

The two kids were chatting up, unusually happy in such a situation, but Taeko could care less.

Taeko: "Hey, you two. Do you know where you are?"

Both kids shook their heads, before the one with a doll in her hands spoke up.

???: "I even don't remember coming here!  Last thing I remember I was with my parents, and now I'm here."

Taeko kneeled down a bit to reach the two kids level, or to make himself feel better about talking to some kids instead of anyone else here.

'Now who in the hell would put two kids in a shithole like this?'

Taeko looked around once more scanning the room again, trying to find someone else who would help them with this so he didn't have to deal with these kids by themself.

Kotumi: "I'm Kotumi Sato, Lil Ultimate Sweet Tooth!"

Akemi: "And I'm Akemi Sato, Lil Ultimate Doll Maker."

Taeko didn't know someone so young could have talents that were actually *useful*.

Taeko: "Taeko Dai, Ultimate... Soldier."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2021 ⏰

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