Author's Note

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Hello how are you? Seriously how are you I'd love to know.

I just want to clear some things up my updating schedule is every Tuesday.I will almost always update on Tuesday unless I tell you guys any different. In the early chapters its going to be kind of hectic because
1. I'm just starting
2. I have no clue where the story is going
3. Harry isn't in it yet and he is what gives this story "flow".
( I don't even know her name yet!)

I have been diagnosed with a concussion, so I can't read or write. :(
It's painful even typing this but I just wanted you guys to know. I'm not sure when I'll be cleared and when I'll be able to start writing again.

In the mean time I am looking for a co-writer. I don't really feel comfortable writing smut because I am a clueless virgin who doesn't know anything about sexual intercourse. If you are interested in co-writing the smut please message me.

So yeah some sad news guys but I really do hope we can talk again soon. Please have a wonderful day and drink plenty of water. And don't forget to ask someone how their day is going. :)

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