chapter one: what the fuck had i gotten myself into?

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          AFTER SIX YEARS of strategically avoiding their company, I had finally gone against my better judgement and reluctantly befriended the group of boys that strutted around Hogwarts, obnoxiously calling themselves 'The Marauders'. To their credit, they were not nearly as irritating nor egotistical as I had once made them out to be — though I still firmly believed that my statement claiming James Potter was an "arrogant toe rag" maintained its validity.

Truth be told, I greatly enjoyed their company, but I also often found it difficult to balance the responsibilities of being a prefect with their delinquent rule breaking habits. It was times like these, especially, when I questioned what the fuck I had gotten myself into.

"No." I stated firmly. You had to be firm with James and Sirius, otherwise your answer completely flew over their heads — Especially if it was not the answer they were hoping for. My gaze was focused on the magical item that had been placed on the table in front of me as an offer. I was too scared to touch it, for the fear that it may break in my hands.

"Or — and hear me out on this one — yes."

I glowered at Sirius until he turned to James for assistance.

"Please." James begged, fluttering his eyelids at me. Credit to him, I almost surrendered. His puppy dog eyes really were quite persuasive.

"No, no, no, absolutely not," I declined repeatedly, trying to remind myself how stupid the entire concept was. "It's a terrible idea. Where did you even get that thing?"

"Sirius and I found it in a random box in the attic over the Summer," James explained, picking it up to examine it again. I was becoming increasingly paranoid that he was going to drop it and cause some kind of irreversible damage. He was acting way too nonchalant and careless about this for my liking. "I think it's a family heirloom."

"Right. So you find an ancient family heirloom with unknown powers and then decide that the best course of action is  bringing it to school with you?"

"Well, we know it's powers," Sirius chimed in.

"It turns time," James added.

Yes, I knew that. They had told me it was a time turner when they had revealed it to me, no more than two minutes ago. But I had read about these magical items before, and the thing that James was currently fidgeting with did not look even remotely close to the pictures I had seen in any sort of book. It was more intricate and detailed, and somehow looked as if it had far more potential for danger than the regular ones. I had to shut this down before the boys did something they would regret . . . And managed to involve me in it.

"And I'm turning this conversation into over."

"Lily, we really need your help with this," Remus spoke up. He was leaning against the bathroom door tiredly, and hadn't moved since the start of the conversation. I genuinely thought he had fallen asleep standing up until he had decided to chime in.

"You're on board with this too?" I asked sceptically.

Remus Lupin was a marauder, just as much as any of the other three were. He pulled pranks and wreaked havoc on the rest of Hogwarts with his friends, but he was also a semi responsible prefect. Although, I suppose that was probably mainly due to the fact that his competition was so troublesome, and he seemed to do a much better job at not getting caught than they did. But despite his rebellious streak, he usually had enough common sense to act with half a brain, which is why I was so shocked to hear that he was in support of such a mind numbingly stupid plan.

"Actually it was his idea," James announced, and I looked immediately to Remus for confirmation.

"No, no, that's not exactly true," Remus protested, shaking his finger. With great struggle, he pulled himself off the wall and towards the rest of us to join the conversation. He didn't seem to want to take full credit for the idea, which meant that he definitely understood how terrible this plan — if you could even call it that — was. "I'm merely the one who suggested you be the one to do it."

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