Hunter exam

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(That quote is amazing 🙌 anyways back to the story.)

Lexi P.O.V
Yesterday me and hiso asked shal yesterday to search up the location of the hunter's exam he found out that it was in Zaban city in a restaurant he told us everything we have to do then we made our way there.
We have finally arrived today in front of us is the restaurant shal told us about we entered.
"Welcome what would you like to order?"asked the man behind the counter.

"We would like the steak combo that opens your eyes to the light... Grilled over a low flam untill cooked." I answered.

" For how many people?" He asked.

"For two."

"Alright go to the back room." The old man said.

"K,thanks." We headed towards the back room where it turns out that it was an elevator.

"~Alright my little fruit are you ready~?" Asked hisoka.

"Yup, are you?"

"~Of course,oh btw if somebody annoys you just release some bloodlust and I will be there ok?~" He said.

"Yeah yeah, but how about a different sign cuz am afraid I might use my bloodlust in a lot of situations without realizing?" I asked.

"~Mhmm, how about you just say bungee gum~?"he suggested.

"Ok." I said... the elevator door opened and right when we got out a small green man came and gave us our badges hisoka took #44 and I took #45, then we entered a dark tunnel it was full of examinees they all glared daggers at us, but I noticed that  none were powerful so I decided to ignore.
"~Hey doll would you like to play a card game with me to pass time~"

" Meh, sure there's nothing to do anyways." I answered.

We played for hours or maybe days and more participants came, all weak and none knew nen... then a certain white haired boy entered he looked around my age he had a skateboard with him he started skating around he was the only special one to be honest. I decided to get up and wander around cuz why not, I started exploring the area untill an old man came up to me "Hello there I'm tonpa this is your first time here isn't it." he greeted.
Then I remembered that shal warned me about the rookie crusher I wasn't sure if it was him but STRANGER DANGER ⚡
"What do you want?"I stated coldly.

"Why be so mean?, Maybe your thirsty here have a drink" he offered me a drink, which I  wanted to ignore and walk away but I thought of a better plan.

"Oh why thank you sir." I opened the can and at that moment I saw that he was smirking at me I stepped on his foot which he yelled" Owww!" I immediately spilled the juice in his mouth and walked away then he spat the juice on the ground, I could hear the people's whispering and snickering at what I did and I noticed a the white haired boy chuckling from far I ignored and kept walking around like nothing happened.

The elevator door opened revealing a green haired boy who looked around my age, a blond haired teen, and an old man who was wearing a suit they seemed week but interesting so I decided to walk up to them and see if I can toy with them to pass some time, I acted as if I was looking around then  'accidentally' bumping into the boy my age which resulted in making us both falling on the ground, "Ohhh god am so sorry, are you ok?" I asked as he stood up.
"It's alright it wasn't your fault and yeah am fine, are you?" He asked and offered me a hand.
"Yes am ok, thanks." I took his hand and dusted up my clothes.

"Am gon what's your name?"he asked while smiling brightly at me.

"Wow he is just like me when I was living with my family back at the island." I thought.
"I am lexi hey how old are you?" I asked.

"Am 12."he said.

"Me too."i added

"kurapika, Leorio this is lexi she is also 12"

"Hey lexi"kurapika said which in return I gave him one of my fake small smiles.

"I didn't expect to see other kids here." Stated Leorio which I just rolled my eyes at him. Then I felt hisoka' s  bloodlust so I waved at my new 'friends' and went to hisoka.
"Yo, do you need me?"I asked.

"~I just wanted to see your new friends.~"

"They are not my friends I was just bored so I decided to talk to them cuz they seem interesting, what about your friend here?" I said as I pointed at the guy with pins next to him.

"~Oh this is Gittarackur.~" he lied.

"Hisoka don't lie to me this is obviously illumi the Zoldyck's oldest son wearing a disguise with those pins, not gonna lie you looked way better."

"~If you knew why would you ask dear?~" asked hisoka while chuckling.

"I wanted to see if you were going to lie to me or not." I replied.

"Lexi do you think my disguise won't work?" Asked Illumi.

"No, no I think it's great." I said.

To be continued

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