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"YAH, TAESUNG!!" younghoon was running after the 19-year-old boy

Taesung clung onto a woman, younghoon stood there, wondering who and why taesung was hugging this woman.

"ah -?.." it was Jihyo

younghoons eyes widened, it was jihyo .. a member of TWICE.
he'd freak out, but wanted to act cool and calm infront of the girl. he put his hands on the boy's shoulder, pulling him back than bending over to taesungs height

"let's not run up to random idols, gwaenchanh-a? (okay?)" he said in a low voice

"but, I could get so many pics.."

younghoon shook his head at his stupid idea, "do you wanna be considered a saesang, huh? I don't think so."

taesung sighed in disappointment and looked down.

jihyo stared at the two hearing the conversation admiring younghoons tiny lecture, "nono, it's okay, I don't mind. just not too close." she slightly smiled, she'd take an index card out signing her signature, then checked the time to see she wouldn't have the schedule to take any pictures so she scribbled her number on the card, then a tiny note ' please call me!! maybe we can arrange a time to take pictures, I never disappoint my fans <3 '.

jihyo gave the card to younghoon as momo snatched her away, "we gotta go jihyo!".
as soon as their figures faded into the distance, younghoon jerked taesung towards him, "are you stupid?"

he stared and blink "a-aniyo..(n-no..)"

"yes you are, let's go", younghoon said with attitude, for the most part, he was jealous taesung had gotten attention from jihyo, but anyways I had jihyos number.

he'd grab onto taesungs wrist and headed for the lingerie store.
as they arrived, younghoon forced taesungs eyes open, "if you wanna take pictures with pretty ladies, go interact with the female models."

"are - are you serious? you weirdo!!" taesung punched younghoons arm, he'd laugh at the little punk.

they were staring around at the mannequins like little perverts for a bit until they saw a group of nine petite pretty girls walking out of the store giggling with muscular men around them.

"y-younghoon look! It's all the members of twice." taesung wasn't the only one staring at the women, several men were drooling over the girls, all except younghoon, he wanted to act cool. but in all honesty, he found them extremely pretty.
the group of girls stopped walking and received a call.

jihyo sighed in exhaustion, "really? ugh, fine.", she hung up on the caller.
she was told that she needed a few males to perform with her and the group for their comeback.
she turned around to see that younghoon was behind them, and rushed over to him, grabbing his thumb then speed walking over to the studio.

taesung yelled after the girls, and attempted to run after the girls but ran out of breath.

younghoon just let the girls take him, confused.
"May I ask where we're goin—"
"shh, no questions boy!!"
eventually, we had reached the parking lot, they pushed him into a black car...


I was a bit frightened, as I had just basically been kidnapped by a worldwide popular girl group.
I silently put my airpods on, scrolling through my phone to find a song.
it was way too cramped in this car, I needed some source to calm me down, due to my anxiety and shyness. what else could I do, I fidgeted with my fingers nervously a bit red.

OUR LOVER | TBZ YOUNGHOON X TWICE ( v smutty )Where stories live. Discover now