A conversation between Tankmen.

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["John? Jesus Christ, the fuck happened to you?"]

"Me and CS broke up, if you can't tell already I've been crying for two hours."

["Yeah, seeing you cry like a bitch makes me smile."]


["Well, now that you're in your little stage I'm gonna take over!"]

"I don't care anymore... I want this dumb fucking world to be gone."

["Oh my god... THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER!"] 

"Just one thing."


"Don't kill any of my friends."

["Not even Senpai?"]

"No, not even him."

["God, you really care about that guy."]

"It's payback, really. I stole CS off him, erased his memory and even reset him once."

["Right, I'll probably just put him under my control."] 

"I don't care what else you do to him, just don't hurt him."

["Right, I'm probably gonna get CS and uh... Betty!"]

"Why them?"

["I'm gonna get the only people you've ever cared about to destroy this world with me."]

"... You really are fucked up..."

["Oh and trust me, I know they will do it."]

"They won't." 

["They will, and I'll give them whatever they want if it means the end of this universe~"]

"WHAT?! No, no, no! You are not doing that shit in MY body!"

["Relax, it'll be fine."]

"Fuck you!"

["Goodbye, Tankman!"]


( I need a name for the other Tankman, any ideas? )

Tankman's diary.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora