''Please pick me up.''

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"Mom?" Elle asked Kendall as she walked into the home office, where both of her moms were working. "Yes baby?" Kendall responded, not taking her eyes off her laptop. "Can I please go to a sleepover with Isabelle? She's going to this guy's house, I've never met him, but she wants me to go with her. Can I go please?" She asked her mother. Kendall looked at her wife, y/n, and then at her daughter. Y/n nodded in Kendall's direction. "Sure, but I want the address and Isabelle's number so I can call her if you don't answer the phone. And if you don't want to stay, or you're not feeling it, you can call or text me to come pick you up. I'll come get you. Understood?" Kendall looked her 17-year-old daughter in the eyes. Elle nodded. "Also could one of you drop me off? It's tomorrow night." She asked. "Yeah, sure babe." Kendall smiled and got back to work. Elle smiled and went into her room to let her best friend know she would be there tomorrow.

The next day

"Mom? You ready to go?" Elle asked. "Yes, I'm coming." Kendall answered, as she made her way down the stairs. "Bye hon. See you tomorrow morning. Let us know if we need us to pick you up at any time. I love you baby." Y/n said as she hugged her daughter.

Soon they were on their way. "So what are y'all gonna do?" Kendall asked. "I think he has a pool, so we're probably gonna go for a swim. And I think she told me we'd be camping. So we're gonna set up a tent, and we'll see where it goes from there." Elle explained to her mom what they had planned for the evening.

Kendall wasn't too comfortable with their daughter going to some random dude's house, but she knew where she was staying and she was gonna be with her best friend, so nothing could really go wrong. Kendall trusted Isabelle completely.  She also knew Elle would tell them if she wasn't enjoying herself. Elle also wasn't really the social type, so it was a way to get out of her comfort zone a bit and socialize. 'It'll be good for her', Kendall told herself.

They eventually got there, and Kendall saw Isabelle standing on the other side of the gate leading to the house. She rolled down her window and waved at her. "Hey babes! How are you? I haven't seen you in a while." She greeted her. "Hi! Yeah it's been a while. I'll probably come by later this week to hang out. If Elle will have me." She chuckled. Kendall smiled and gave Elle a kiss on the forehead before she got out of the car. "Have fun baby. Call us if you need anything. I love you. " She smiled at her daughter. "Bye, mom. I love you too." Elle said as she closed the door. Elle got through the gate and Kendall started the car back up. 'I hope it goes well for her tonight.' Kendall thought to herself as she backed out of the driveway.

Time skip...

Y/n and Kendall were cuddled up on the couch, watching their favourite movie. Suddenly they both felt Kendall's phone vibrate in her pocket. Y/n sent a worried look to her wife. Kendall looked at her phone and saw a message from their daughter. "It's Elle..."

"What's wrong?" Y/n asked Kendall, as she saw her wife's confused expression

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"What's wrong?" Y/n asked Kendall, as she saw her wife's confused expression. "She didn't tell me. She just wants me to pick her up. She says she feels weird." Kendall furrowed her eyebrows as she repeated her daughter's words. "She told me she'd tell me later. I'll go get her." Kendall said as she started getting off the couch. "You want me to come with you?" Y/n asked her. "No it's okay. You stay here, it's late. Go up to bed already I'll be back in 20 minutes. I love you." Kendall said as she kissed y/n's forehead. "Okay. I love you too. Go. Bring her back to me."

Kendall got in her car and drove to where she dropped Elle off a couple of hours ago. When she got there she sent Elle a text.

Elle didn't respond but Kendall saw her walking up to the gate

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Elle didn't respond but Kendall saw her walking up to the gate. She looked like she had been crying. Kendall immediately thought the worst. She saw Elle give Isabelle a hug and then she walked to the passenger seat. She got in the car and Kendall could tell she had in fact been crying. "What happened babe?" She asked her gently. Elle started breathing unevenly. "I-I-I can't b-breat-the. I d-don't kn-ow wha-what's hap-pen-ing." Elle had trouble breathing and she had tears streaming down her face. "Okay baby, come here." Kendall cooed as she wrapped her daughter in a warm hug. Elle broke down in tears. "Listen to my heartbeat and copy my breathing honey." Kendall guided her daughter. This was the first time it happened, but Kendall knew how to handle the situation. She herself has had to handle with panic attacks before. That's what she thought was happening from the symptoms her daughter was showing.

Elle eventually calmed down and Kendall drove them home.

Elle fell asleep against the car window on the drive home. Kendall looked at her with empathy. Her baby girl looked so fragile and broken in that instant.

They eventually got home and this next thing was Kendall's least favourite thing to do, she had to wake Elle up. When she was small they would just carry her inside, but now that she's grown up, she doesn't have the muscle to carry their not-so-small-baby inside anymore so Kendall has to wake her up. She lightly shook Elle and she jolted up, almost slamming her head into Kendall's. "Wow. Alright, easy. You're okay." Kendall said as she put a gentle hand on her daughter's shoulder. Elle wiped her eyes lazily and got out of the car. Kendall took her daughter's backpack and followed her inside. When they stepped inside the house, they saw that all the lights were off, so they went upstairs immediately.

"Mom?" Elle stood at her mom's bedroom door shyly. She looked so small. Y/n looked up at her and asked, "Hey baby. Come here are you okay? What happened?" Y/n asked with a worried tone. She lifted the blanket up so that Elle could cuddle up to her. "I think she might have had an anxiety attack." Kendall stated as she sat down on the bed next to her family.

When they finished their conversation, everyone got into bed and got comfortable. "Can I sleep in here tonight?" Elle asked with a small voice. "Of course you can. You're our baby." Y/n said and they all cuddled up to each other, Elle sitting in between her moms. "Goodnight babes. I love you." Kendall said as she kissed Elle's head and then y/n's lips. "I love you too." Y/n and Elle both replied back at the same time.
They all fell asleep safe and sound in each other's arms.

The End.

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