3 - Cyra

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Ever since that eventful Friday, I haven't been able to think straight.

Normally, I focus on every task like it's the most important thing I'll do in my life. And I mean, anything could be. I never thought that taking too long to get back up the cliff face would rip away an essential aspect of my future. But honestly, I concentrate because I need something to put my whole heart into. Nothing distracts me, because working hard is a distraction in itself. If I didn't have much to begin with, I would work so that I would be at the top.

And I was, or at least, as far up as I could get.

Grades? Always been above a B minus, and in most classes, A minus to A range. I was actually able to take honors Geometry this year, which meant a good deal to me. Meant I was actually getting somewhere.


...Okay, bad example. I don't need them, anyway. Especially if they'd all be lame wannabes like Forrest.

Food? Money? Survival? Every night I made sure I was able to have a decent meal that wouldn't leave me hungry, whether my mom was around or not. I pushed myself to the limits at the after-dark faun races, to the point where more people than I could ever have expected would bet on me. When my nose was at the grindstone and it still wasn't enough, I resorted to waiting tables at a local diner. Not pleasant in the least bit, but again, a distraction from the rest of the unforgiving world.

However, after meeting Ling and learning about WMRHE and the quest, I haven't been able to give it my all. I'm pretty sure I bombed the World History quiz that I had just minutes after that conversation, and I'd completely forgotten about the biology homework that I was supposed to hand in today. I only remembered at around three a.m. this morning, and though it wasn't difficult, it was enough to keep me working up until the last second. So now I get to function on two and a half measly hours of sleep, along with the growing hunger that ravages my stomach.

I'd been working overtime recently, even before Ling came into the picture, but it just wasn't adding up. And now, with the added element of anticipation, and though I'll never admit it, stress about what was to come, I hadn't made nearly enough money the past few nights. I've been eating apples (scavenged from a number of trees around town), cold instant ramen, or oatmeal for every meal, which really isn't a good diet for anyone. Most mornings I don't have time to eat at all.

I'm not complaining. There are a lot of situations that are worse than mine. And I'm still living, breathing. But is it so wrong to wish that there was a way out of this pit?

The worst part is that I should be more focused now than I ever have been. I have an opportunity for a quest. This is the most important thing that's ever happened to me. I can't blow it because my head isn't in it.

The quest also managed to resurrect a few of my fears about, oh, failing at life and other things like that. On the bright side (oh, how I hate that expression), that should be sufficient motivation to play hard when it matters.

But for now, I just have to wait.

Around third period, the hunger becomes unbearable, and I hastily excuse myself. Unfortunately, my locker is on the opposite side of the school, and I all but sprint to it, hoping I have a granola bar or something stored there for future use.

Too late, I realize that I left my backpack unattended in the Marketing classroom. Pausing, I debate going back for it, since I can probably tough this out, but I decide against it. I'll just pick up the pace a bit.

Leaping the stairs a flight at a time (never try to descend stairs with four hooved legs. You won't just go down, you'll bring everyone with you), and ignoring the shouts from each floor that command me to stop, I reach the first floor foreign language hallway, where my locker is located.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2021 ⏰

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