Chapter 1

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Why do hot people exist, Atsumu was currently running cross-campus, to his new English literature class, 15 minutes late. Atsumu honestly thought about skipping, last night's events at the club went on longer than they should have. Which left Atsumu more tired than usual. Atsumu woke up an hour after his alarm because that morning he decided the snooze button was his best friend.

When Atsumu finally made it to the class everyone was present, not an empty seat. Atsumu sat down quickly with Suna, seats adjacent from each other. The new teacher was late which was honestly such a relief to Atsumu.

Where is this Professor?

It's already been 20 minutes, yet still no professor.

"Excuse everyone!" All the students strengthen at the voice of the head professor. "This class will be taking place at 4:00 pm today instead, Class dismissed!" Mr. Ukai said, leaving the room and some students following behind.

Yes, a free period to catch up on sleep. Maybe I can get Suna to grab me a coffee too!

"Hey, Rin Rin" Atsumu turned to Suna fluttering his eyelashes with a charming smile, while Suna stared at him with a bored expression but a slight smile on his lips. "Yes, Tsumu?" Suna replied softly.

"Wanna get a coffee?"

Suna laughed lightly "You know asking someone if they want to get coffee means your paying?" Atsumu gasped "Rin, Rin don't do me dirty" Atsumu said with a pout, Suna placed his hand on Atsumu shoulder smiling." Come on brokey let's get a coffee" the latter jumped up smiling and grabbing his things walking to the door "Come on Rin, let not waste this free period!"

Atsumu & Suna spent the rest of the time in the study lab and the rest of the day in their classes. Until the final period came. They walked rather slowly, it was 4;05 they were 5 minutes late. As they got closer to the doors, it was rare quiet beside one voice. Everyone seen interested and focus on the new professor.

That is a good sign.

Suna opened the door slowly, the door squeaking as it opens making everyone look their way. Atsumu and Suna muttered 'sorry' as they found seats quietly.

The new professor finished writing their name on the board, Mr. Sakusa. He was still turned away but something about this man was familiar yet foreign. Still turned away from him wearing a white shirt and had curly long raven locs, Atsumu sat anticipating the moment Professor Sakusa, turned around.

Once he finally did turn around Atsumu and Mr.Sakusa momentarily froze, eyes landing on each other. Mr.Sakusa black orbs widened ever so slightly, while Atsumu flushed.

"Ahem, good afternoon, I'm your new professor for the year. Please call me Mr.Sakusa"

Even though he was talking to the class it felt like he only spoke to Atsumu. With their eye locked as he continued to speak. Atsumu moved closer over to Suna's seat leaning his head slightly. "That's the boy from the club"

"Yes, I can see that" Suna laughed lightly

Atsumu barely focusing on what he was saying still shock by his present. Professor Sakusa walked to the podium picking up his notepad while he looks upon the class. Clearing his throat, trying to look at all of the students while he spoke instead of just Atsumu.

"I know I'm new and your gonna have a adjust to my way of teaching, it might be tiresome, but I'm here to stay. I'm here to teach you, hopefully, allow you to be great once you leave here.

The students applauded lightly, while Mr.Sakusa stood confidently, his shirt fitted top buttons undone, sleeves rolled up, back straight, and hands holding the notepad with one arm behind his back.


Atsumu was definitely interested in the new professor. He wants to learn many things from him, from Mr.Sakusa.

"So I would like to start by getting to know everyone,-" Mr.Sakusa eyes drifting to Atsumu for a split second while some students groaned, Mr.Sakusa chuckled lightly "Listen we could take it back, to like middle school and I have you guys write letters that I most likely won't read' students laughed while Mr.Sakusa shrugged "Actually how about everyone comes up and gives a quick presentation about themself."Mr. Sakusa stated

"Some of you look a little scared, dont worry it will be fast just tell me a bit"

"Do we have to get up l-like in front or can we stay here?"Someone asked, the idea of presenting was uncomfortable to some, Atsumu was one of some.

"You guys don't have too" Sighs of relief could be heard. "But it would be nice if you guys did, anyways let's get started!"  Mr.Sakusa smiled 


To be continued...

Hato: Hope you guys enjoy this chapter

! I know it was short but this is just the start  

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2021 ⏰

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