Chapter One

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I stepped outside of my front door, a small breeze swaying the orange leaves on the trees and the ground.

I didn't have a favourite season but autumn was one I really liked. From the pretty colors to the pretty clothes and makeup you can wear.

I walked on the sidewalk, my heeled boots clicking on the concrete. I pulled my coat tighter around my cold body. It wasn't too near winter yet but it might as well be with how cold it is.

It was really quiet and nice this morning, something that was pretty rare around my neighbourhood. The birds weren't chirping and there was no one shouting or dragging their bin out to the road.

It was calm. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket when I heard it ding. It was my mom asking me where I was. I always come out early and go to the park but I had come out even earlier today. I guess I really wanted to finish the book I'd been reading for a while now. I replied to her and let her know I was alright.

I put my phone away and kept walking. I came to the place where I had to cross the street, so I did. Luckily, there were no cars I had to wait for so I easily walked across.

I walked on the path made out of pebbles and sat on a bench. I took a deep breath of the autumn air, the smell of rain filling my senses.

I took my book out of my bag and opened it. Reading usually comforted and calmed me. Therefore, I did it a lot. Especially when Charlie Gillespie was around. I hated him. Like, a lot. I always have. Sometimes I question why I still hate him for stealing me and my friends' project we had worked on for weeks in 3rd grade... yes, I hate him since 3rd grade, for stealing a project. I know it sounds childish and immature but since then, I've noticed how cold he is towards everyone and anyone but his best friend Kaiden. 

He's mean to everyone. He deserves to get messed with. I've seen the way he makes girls and guys cry. He needs a taste of his own medicine. He needs to be treated the way he treats others.

The sound of a car in the distance with loud music booming from the speakers startled me. I was on one of the first benches so I was practically sitting right next to the road.

Whoever was driving hit the brakes when they saw me and started rolling the window down and turning the music to a quiet elevator music level. The window revealed the face of Kaiden with Charlie behind him in the passenger seat.

"Do you need a ride?" He asked me. Charlie was on his phone so I wouldn't be surprised if he hasn't even noticed they had stopped.

"Why would I-" I stopped mid-sentence when I checked the time on my phone. "Oh my god! I completely lost track of time!"

I quickly stuffed my book into my bag, "I think I might make it but thanks for the offer anyway."

"Nah, Penn it's impossible for you to get there in time. Let me take you." Kaiden insisted.

"Kaiden I swear I'm fine." I said, not letting myself give in. I wanted to, I really did but not if he was there. Kaiden and I are on ok terms and he knew how much I hated Charlie but didn't judge me for it. We became friends when we had to be lab partners.

"If you say so," He shrugged and left, the music back to being deafening.

I grabbed my bag and practically ran towards school. I had a perfect attendance that I didn't want to ruin.

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