Chapter Two

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I was out of breath by the time I arrived at school. I had been running all the way there. Beads of sweat had formed on my forehead.

When I walked in to my class, everyone looked up at me as I almost ripped the door off its hinges in my hurrying.

But there was one person missing from class. Mrs. Cordelia. The teacher. Oh, thank the gods she's late as well. A weight had lifted off my shoulders as I took my seat.

I plopped down and soon after, I heard a weird swishing noise. "Psst! Pennie!" I turned to see Kaiden looking at me.

"What is it?" I replied. Where is Mrs. Cordelia?

"There's a party next friday. Do you wanna come?" He asked me. My eyes widened with surprise.

"Kaiden, you know I don't do parties. Especially since he's coming most probably." I said, referring to the infamous Charlie Gillespie.

"Pennie." He sighed before continuing. "You can't keep letting his presence ruin your chance at enjoying your life. Your reason to hate him isn't even valid!"

"It is very much valid Kaiden!" I exclaimed, offended at his statement.  

Before he could reply, the teacher entered and everyone's heads snapped up to look at her. A teacher being late wasn't out of the ordinary, but Mrs. Cordelia was the one teacher who was never late. She was also out of breath.  She explained to us how her car broke down this morning.

The bell rung at the end of class and everyone got up, ready to leave. I packed my things away and slung my backpack over my shoulder. I turned to leave and bumped into someone's chest. I looked up to see Kaiden's pleading face, "At least think about it Penn." I stared at him defeated. "Please?"

A sigh left my lips before I replied, "Fine. I'll think about it." His face lit up and his arms enveloped me in a big hug. "But only for you!" I clarified.

"You made my day Penn!" He said in a sing-song voice as he left the classroom. I smiled to myself as I followed and walked out the door too. 

I walked to my locker and thought about what Kaiden was asking me to do.  I've never been to parties, due to trying to avoid Charlie at all costs, at all times. As a kid, I'd imagined my teen self being a normal teen -going to parties, having a boyfriend, being good at everything and loved by everyone. I wanted to do my inner child a favour. I'm going to that party. I'm going to change, I'm going to be who I've always wanted to be.

I took a deep breath, leaning my head against the cool metal of the locker. What was I doing? I let the breath out, followed by the sound of the bell ringing again, telling me I need to go to class. 

I closed the front door behind me when I got home. I threw my shoes off and went straight to the kitchen. My parents were sitting at the island counter, my dad reading a book and my mother was next to him, her reading glasses perched on her nose and her laptop sat on the counter in front of her. 

I went directly to the cupboard and grabbed a pack of crisps. I started going up to my room but I stopped in the kitchen doorway and turned around. "Mom, dad, Kaiden invited me to a party on friday," I started and the nerves got to me, making me begin ranting, "Well honestly he was rather begging than simply inviting me and I was just wondering-"

"You can go, Pennie. Enjoy your teen years, baby. It's just a party, not like your asking me to let you get married." My mom looked up at me, an understanding smile playing on her lips. 

My dad's wide eyes also met mine. He then twisted his body to his right to my mother. "Are you sure? She hasn't been to a party before. Shouldn't someone go with her?"

"I won't be alone, dad. Kaiden will look out for me, don't worry." I sent him a reassuring smile and he visibly relaxed a little.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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