Chapter 3

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In the morning, Kakashi and Naruto were doing their normal morning routine, but this time they were packing bags for traveling since today was Team 7's first big mission. Naruto was clearly excited. He was so excited he was practically bouncing off the walls, which caused Kakashi to chuckle.

"I'm guessing you're really excited for your first big mission?" Kakashi smiled underneath his mask, he earned an eager nod from Naruto, "I just can't contain my excitement!" Naruto gave his ever so famous smile, causing Kakashi to chuckle again.

"Well then, we better get going, hm?" Kakashi kept his smile under that mask as he walked to the door. Naruto practically bounced out the door, smiling.


Sasuke and Sakura were already at the main gate of the Leaf Village, Naruto and Kakashi arrived at the same time. They were just waiting on Tazuna.

Upon the old man, Tazuna, arriving, with of course alcohol in his hand, they set off for their journey to the Land of Waves.


Naruto walked happily with his arms behind his head, they were halfway there to the Land of Waves, when Naruto glanced to the side, throwing a kunai at some bushes, a white rabbit scurrying out of the bushes and running off, which seemed odd to Kakashi that a white rabbit was there, and winter hasn't fallen yet.

That put him on edge, and then a sudden puddle caught his attention. 'It hadn't rained yesterday..' Kakashi thought. As the four ninjas and the old man walked a little farther from the puddle, they were suddenly attacked by two mist ninjas. They both caught Kakashi in their chains, in a flash, Kakashi was no more than pieces.

"Kakashi sensei!" The three genins yelled.

One of the mist ninjas went after Naruto, the other one went after Tazuna, which Sakura stood in front of him. Sasuke had to choose, help Naruto or protect Sakura and Tazuna. He chose to protect Sakura and Tazuna, hoping Naruto could protect himself.

Kakashi suddenly appeared in front of Sasuke, who was now in front of Sakura and Tazuna, with the mist ninja that went after Naruto, grabbing the other one.

Naruto could've gotten injured, or worse if his dad didn't show up out of the blue.

"Hey," Sasuke's voice called out, causing Naruto to look that direction, "You're not hurt, are you, scaredy-cat?" Sasuke smirked.

Frustrated, Naruto pulled out a kunai and stabbed himself in the hand, "I won't be scared next time! I promise on this wound, that I will never back down again! Dattebayo!" Naruto exclaimed as he took the kunai out of his hand.

This shocked everyone, Sakura reacting quickly and wrapping his hand once she got everything needed.

Tying the mist ninjas in rope they luckily had, Kakashi turned to Tazuna for an explanation. Tazuna sighed, explaining everything to the ninjas that were to escort him to the Land of Waves.

"So, you're telling me that there are people after you!?" Naruto exclaimed, earning a nod from the old bridge builder.

"We should turn back now and get ninjas better suited for this mission. Why didn't you state that this would be an A-Rank mission?" Kakashi questioned the bridge builder.

"The Land of Waves is very poor, I couldn't afford to pay for an A-Rank mission, so I put it as a C-Rank mission since that's all I could afford. That's why I need to get back to the Land of Waves and finish the bridge, it'll bring more things into the land that we need." Tazuna explained his reasons.

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