One-Beast Boy

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Hi my fellow Titans,
Okay so this is the first chapter of my story, uh I hope you like it and yeah.. Also I'm heading to Thailand in a few days so updates will take a while.

(Image is how I imagine BeastBoy just with shaggier hair and his regular purple and black costume)

Disclaimer: I do not own the Teen Titans or any of the characters but....... I'm working on it.
One-Beast Boy

Breathing deeply I quickly duck as a car comes flying towards my head. I hear someone cry in pain and my gaze darts quickly to Robin's body as it slams into a nearby building. With a growl I quickly change into a gorilla, ignoring the stab of pain resonating from my possibly broken ribs, prepared to help my friends.

Rushing forward I charge Cinderblock, throwing a hard punch to his body. I feel a small twinge of satisfaction as he stumbles back a few feet. I'm momentarily blinded as Cyborg shoots a large sonic blast past my head and into Cinderblock's. A large wave of dark energy surrounds the large rockman and I hear Raven chant her words of power. As the last syllable leaves her mouth Cinderblock block explodes into a shower of bricks. Me, I was too shocked to move so I became buried under some of the stray bricks, the pain causing me to change back to my human form.

I hear my team's shouts as I gasp in pain. They all rush to help lift the rocks off of me as I struggle to hold a large chunk off of my chest. Once they've cleared the rubble, Cyborg grabs my hand and pulls me to my feet. Holding in a grimace I move to stand by Starfire and she's quick to check on me, "Are you the 'O' of the 'K' friend Beast Boy?"

I give a sheepish laugh still startled by my voice which had dropped a few octaves in the last year, making my voice almost as deep as soon Cyborgs, trust me it was a shock to say the least, "I'm  fine Star, just a little scuffed up."

Robin nods to me and gives out his next orders, "Cyborg go ahead and call C.C. to come take care of this. After that everyone's free until we get another call."

He turns away and begins talking to his girlfriend. Star giggles happily at whatever it is the Boy Wonder tells her, and the two of them walk away hand-in-hand. I hear Cy's voice as he speaks to the C.C. (criminal containment) workers a few feet away, my chest stings as I reach up and my hair which has become slighty damp with sweat. I draw in a deep breath, waiting for the pain to pass as I lower my arm to my side. Raven walks over a faint trace of suspicion on her normally blank face, "Are you sure you're fine Beast Boy, I-"

"I'm fine," I snap, instantly regretting my harshness. "Sorry Rae-" her glare quickly changes my words, "-even. Sorry Raven, but yeah, I'm fine just tired its all. I'm gonna' head back to the tower for a nap."

She gives me one last look before disappearing in a wall of black, leaving me alone in the street. I walk over to the T-car and wait for Cyborg to join me as I see the C.C. vans pull up. Cy talks to an officer before walking to the car and climbing in beside me. After starting up the car he turns to me, "you ready to head home Beastie."

I look out at the mess of a the resent crime scene and sigh, " yeah, let's go Cy."

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