|part 2|Whats a girl to do?|

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~||нυиgєя мαкєѕ α тнιєf συт σf αиумαи||~

Slowly the surroundings came to view like a blurry camera finally focusing on a scene. You were still in the sewers just as you had remembered, the sun was shining brightly through the grate at the top illuminating the walls and showing the murky green water infront of her. You reached out and grasped at the wall trying to steady your attempts at standing, each muscle ached from running so long and your bones cracked from the hard floor and awkward sleeping position you were in. Last night was too close, way to close for (y/n)'s liking. With a huff you gave one last final push upwards and stumbled clumsily to a standing pose. Using the wall to guide you, you made your way along the sewers trying to get to a manhole cover you knew would leave to a secluded area. Each stone brick was rough and ragged at your already hurt fingers, faint traces of dry blood being left trailing across them. While some of it may have been a greeny colour the wall itself felt in no way slimy or even that dirty for that matter.That was one thing you liked about the mushroom kingdom, it was always so clean no litter would run along the streets and even a place such as this wasn't that grimy. I guess you could thank the kingdoms heros for that, while they may be brave adventures they still are required to do their plumbing jobs.

Gradually the sound of footsteps from above started fading and the passageways was once again left in silence reminiscent of the previous night. Finally you had found the perfect spot to emerge from and grasped the metal bars tightly, bits of rust flecked off onto your hand and this particular ladder sounded as if it would be ready to break at any wrong steps. Treading carefully you began to climb, the ladder wasn't that long but it would still hurt your already aching body if you was to fall.

As you reached the top you once again lifted the manhole cover and slid your way out. You was right about your predictions it had lead to an allyway similar to the one before, it was dark with a few bins and boxes around the area. It seemed as though you could see both streets that this one lead to but no body could be seen wandering them. Removing your cloak you shoved it into your bag, it would be best to act normal and not draw attention to yourself after all if you was to get back in time to open your shop you'd need to take the busy main road.

You peered out from the allyway checking in both directions before finally deciding to proceed onwards. You briskly walked down the streets it wasn't as busy as the one you was under before but your guessing thats because of the early time in the morning. Speaking of the time you now know its 7:28am, infront of you, you find a shop the great grandfather clock visible through the squared windows. Judging from the sign it appeared to be a estate agency. Such a shop like this is odd to see down a street like this one but having no time to question it you resume your trail. 'It might be in my best interest to remember this shop, after all if something like last night happens again then I might need to find a place to escape to easily'

Shaking away the though you come to realise you had made it to the main street, despite it only being now around 7:52 it was bustling and lively with toads of all different colours going about their day, a few over species was littered around the crowd to from what you could see mainly yoshis and very few humans. Blending in you made your way towards the west end of the lively empire where things are much tamer. However, things are not always this simple. Unluckily as you turned the corner there was the queen's guards. Some where putting up warning posters whereas others were posted along the border checking the belongings of anyone wishing to cross. Starting to panic ypu quickly spin around reading to speed walk your way out of the situation, but as I said before things are not always that simple. 'How many stupid mistakes can I seriously make' rang through your head as a voice can be heard from behind you. It was loud and commanding like the general of an army.


Shyly you turned back around and approached the guardsman, he towered over you and looked as menacing as you would expect him to. Though his face soon melted into a soft smile.

"Well your going the wrong way then silly, if you wish to cross over all we have to do is briefly check whats in that bag of yours then you'll be free to go on your way."

Now this will be a problem.

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Part 2
860 words
Posted 5/9/21
I left you all on a small cliffhanger, im sorry.

|A Ghostly Confession|~(King Boo X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now