|Part 3|The Florist and The Knight|

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What should I do...

With a sigh of reluctance your backpack was now in the hands of the soldier, it would've looked suspicious if you hadn't complied. He gently placed the bag onto the table next to him and started to rummage around.

"All clear your free to cross"

Wait what?

Taking your bag back Y/N flashed a quick smile to the guard though almost pained good enough to pass as polite. Thanking him for all the work he's putting into finding the thief you start to leave,pace just a little quicker than normal, you didn't want to be near him any longer than required.
"Oh miss one last thing before you go. If you don't mind me asking why was you carrying a cloak?"
"Sir are your trying to accuse me of something?"
"Oh no not at all I truly am sorry if it came off that way. You know what forget I asked you probably should be on your way now."
"All right if you say so, thank you."
Once again picking up the pace you sped away from where the knights were stationed. When out of sight letting a deep breath out that you didn't know you was holding, you took a moment to stop walking. Your heartbeat was raised and the palms of your hands felt sweaty.
The book
You had dropped the book, but where.
There was no time left to think about it as you resumed making your way down the cobbled paths,the shop was due to be open soon and so was the payment, perhaps with all the commotion you could hold of the moneylenders for atleast a few more days.

Finally you reached the doors of the wooded establishment pushing them open with the twist of your key. The inside was simple wooden shelves with potted plants to the left and arrangements of bouquets to the right a pleasant but overwhelming smell hung in the air and the room was lit by many small candles in glass lanterns hung off the vine covered rafters. The shop was simple in style but felt homely and welcoming to all. You almost wanted to fall asleep where you stood but alas there was work to be done and customers to attend to.

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Part 3
383 words
Uploaded 31/12/21
Im so sorry for how short and boring this chapter was but I needed a way to progress the story along.

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