twenty three

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A WEEK HAD PASSED SINCE THE BOY HAD VISITED AND JIYEON'S HEART FELT EMPTY. It was as if it was calling out to him, begging him to stay. Whoever her past was and whoever he was, they had once loved each other. While her memories were gone, her feelings had stayed. It was rather odd. She did not know why she had loved him, what she had done for him to care about her so much, nor why she felt the need to love him back. But she did, and she wished she could. 

She had only spent a few minutes with him and yet there was this feeling inside her stomach that was telling her everything was right, just as it should be. With him, everything felt right. The way he had touched her when he first stormed into the room felt right, albeit surprising. She wouldn't mind having his hands on her cheeks again, nor would she mind feeling his under her fingertips. 

Her past self had been in love with him and the feeling was wonderful. A part of her wondered if her past self used to bask and relish that feeling as much as she did now. She wouldn't be surprised if her past self didn't. For there was something hidden deep inside of her. Jiyeon had been surprised the first time she felt it. And while she recognised the emotion as hopelessness, she had never expected herself to feel it, at least not such a strong version of it. 

Running her fingertips over her cheek, the place he had touched her, Jiyeon exhaled a heavy sigh. Her past self could not have been that happy, especially not with the burden Jiyeon was experiencing all of the sudden. What made her question it, even more, was that Jiyeon could not remember why her shoulders felt so unnaturally heavy or why her heart was tainted by darkness and sorrow. If she found out then perhaps she could fix it, if not, then. . . she supposed she would have to live with it.  

Jiyeon's feet slowly met the ground, cold it touched her with roughness. She walked over to the window, slowly opening it. The sounds of cars bounced against the white walls inside the room. The wind whispered the melody of the souls, touching her body with softness, delicate and gentle. Her eyes met the night sky above. 

Words of the stars weaved the sky together, forming legends and stories of the cosmos.

She leaned her head against the wall, staring at the world outside the room. 

Before nightfall came, she had noticed the scars on her lower arm. Pity formed in her stomach, wanting nothing more than go back in time and hug her past self. Jiyeon had not been happy before the incident and she hated it. 

A knock on the door pulled her out of her thoughts. Glancing towards the door, her eyes met the boy with the doe eyes. Unconsciously, her lips curled into a small smile at the sight of him. He looked as good as he did before, and Jiyeon highly doubted there had ever been a time when he looked bad. 

'Hey. . .' he trailed off.

'Hi,' she said, a feeling of relief spreading across her chest. 

'How are you holding up?' 

'As well as I can.'

He smiled at that answer as if he was expecting something different. 

'I have a question. . .' Jiyeon trailed off, glancing at the boy with doe eyes.

'Yes, Jiyeon?' he responded, swallowing the lump in his throat.

'You said you loved me. . .' she trailed off, struggling to find the right words to continue. 'I'm sure my past self loved you as well. . .'

That familiar warmth entered her stomach when she looked at him. 

Wistful eyes trailed over her face.

'But I━' she cut herself off, looking down in shame.

'It's okay,' he reassured her, taking a few steps closer. 'Take your time.'

'Can I ask you a question?' Jiyeon asked, trying once again.

'Anything,' he answered bluntly.

'Will you love me now, as well?'

Stopping in his tracks, the boy with doe eyes processed her question, repeating her words over and over in his mind.

'Of course.' He nodded. 'I will always love you, Jiyeon.'

Jiyeon. . . That was her name. She already knew that, but when it seemed to come from him, it felt different, better, even. Something clicked inside her mind. A spark of happiness got ignited inside of her chest, almost causing her to explode in joy. 

A breathless chuckle left her lips. 

'And I will do my best to love you back, Heeseung.'

[ . . . ]

𝗯𝘆 𝗺𝘆 𝘀𝗶𝗱𝗲. . . lee heeseung ✔Where stories live. Discover now