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I'm a 16 year old girl, who has never been asked out and have never been told that I am beautiful or loved. My dad tells me that no one will ever love me because I am fat, ugly and stupid. Every day it’s the same. I go to school, then come home without talking to anyone unless it’s a teacher and that is only when no one is around to hear, if I can help it. When I get home I make dinner for my dad so that he can eat when he gets home then I do my homework. In school I don’t have to work hard because in the summer I work on getting ahead because there is nothing else for me to do seeing as I have no friends to hang out with and all my family either hates me or is not alive anymore.

By the time nine come around my dad has had lots of beer and is drunk. He comes up to my room and beats me and does other things that I really don't feel like saying and then leaves to go pass out, whether it’s on the couch in the living room or in his room. After he leaves my room and I know that he is out and won’t be waking up anytime soon, I take a scolding hot shower and scrub my whole body, especially  where he touched me, I scrub myself so much that sometimes I almost bleeds, then I get out and get in bed.

When he beats me I don't yell or cry out I try to not show any sign of emotion because I have learned that when I do he likes it and he makes it go on longer and I just want it to be over as soon as it possibly can, even though it makes him mad that I don’t cry out, I still don’t.

If you are wondering why my mom lets him do this to me she can’t do anything about it because she is no longer alive. He wasn’t like this when she was alive, he was nice and we were a family, we would play dress up and go to the park and just be like a normal family, but ever since she passed he has been going off the deep end and beating me. She died when I was little like maybe five or six so I don’t remember all that much, she was in an accident and after that everything started to go downhill. I was asleep in the backseat so I don’t really know anything that happened in the crash. The police report said there was an animal in the road and she swerved because she didn't want to hit it, but I know the truth, everyone thinks that when you are a young child that you don't know what is happening and that you don't understand but they are wrong. When you are young you notice a lot of things but you don’t say anything because you also notice that they are trying very hard for you not to see what is actually going on.

The real reason that she went off the road is because that was her way of suicide, her way of getting out of this life and she was also trying to help me by taking me with her because she knew that is she was gone then he would have to find another person to “play” with and she knew that would fall on me, but her plan didn’t work very well because I am still here and I have had to live with it since I was five because of her. I’m not mad at her but at the same time I am, because she left me all alone with the monster that I’m supposed to call dad.

Oh, whoops! Please excuse my awful manners, you are probably wondering who I am, well my name is Elizabella Verona.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

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