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Just like any other day I got up, dressed and made breakfast for my dad, he doesn’t let me eat hardly anything besides a little bread and an apple or something like that so that I can stay alive, barley. My walk to school only took about 10 minutes and I had a history test today that I was really confident that I was going to pass, but you can never be too cautious especially when your dad will beat you if you got an F or any grade that isn’t an A, also I have a very good memory and can remember a lot of things.

I headed straight to  the gym for PE, my first class and got changed in the locker room, I was so early that I didn’t have to worry about having to hide my scars and bruises  while changing because there was no one here. I got changed I headed out into the gym and sit on the bleachers and wait for the bell to ring signaling the beginning of school. It would be about 10-15 minutes till other people will start to arrive for class, while I waited I silently thought about what my life could be like if I was someone else without a dad who beats me every day, and what it would be like to actually have friends and being able to hang out with them whenever I wanted to. I start to hear some peoples voices so I got up and walked away from where I was sitting and then when it sounded like they were closer I turned around and started to walk back to where I was originally sitting, I didn’t want people to think that I am some kind of freak that gets to school way before the bell rings, even though I do. Then I look over at the doors and see that everyone started to file in so I continued to walk back to the original place that I was already sitting.

Mr. Blackwell came in when the majority of the class was in the gym and yelled, "Alright everyone listen up!" Suddenly everything went mostly quiet, "We are going to be doing something different today instead of running. Today we will be dancing-” all of kids groaned and started to complain about it, just like they do when he says to start to run. “Everybody be quiet! Now as I was saying, I know that you might think that that is not PE but I assure you that it will be hard work, almost harder than what we do every other day that you are here. Now I don't know how to dance so I have invited someone from another school who can dance very well to teach you. He has agreed to teach us some moves, I don't think that I should have to tell you that you are to show him as much respect as you show me," he said and then mumbled, "or should show me.” He paused for a moment and took a deep breath and then said, “Now this is-" Everyone started to look around and started to chat among themselves about this new guy and if he was hot. After a little bit of looking I guess he didn’t see who he was looking so and so then he yelled, "Jordan Taylor, get your ass in here now!"

                I looked over to the door of the gym and saw the hottest guy that I have ever saw in my whole entire life. When everyone saw him there was a gasp from the girls and then all the guys were glaring in the direction of the door and then hell broke loose with talking and everything that you would except when a class of about 30 students saw something that was truly too good to be true. I stare at him, looking him up and down, and then the most unexpected thing in the whole world happened, he looked right at me and started to stare at me just like I was doing to him, it seemed like the whole world stopped and the sound faded out and it was only him and I, nothing else, like some cliché moment from Twilight or something. The only thing that broke us out of our little world was the fact that Mr. Blackwell was telling Jordan to come and meet the class which made us break eye contact. I looked down and my lap, staring at my hands like they were the most interesting thing that I have ever seen trying to get the embarrassment off my face so that I look normal.

                For the rest of the class time I could not stop glancing at him and every time a girl brushed up against him or touched him in any way I got so jealous but I don't even know why, I mean he isn't mine and he was probably just staring at me because I have something on my face or my hair is going crazy, he was not staring at me because he liked me but because I am weird and look funny, that has to be it. He does not like me! There is no freak in way he likes me! I keep thinking things like this just so that I can stay focused on the moves that ho- what is wrong with you stay focused and keep our head out of the gutter! I thought to myself angrily.

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