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Star boy was driving him insane.

And kissing star boy was pushing him to the brink

of insanity.

Brown hair, brown eyes, pale, trembling hands

gripping Dream's green polo.

It made Dream feel good.

But that would also be the last he talked to George

for a while.

The brunette seemed to be avoiding Dream,

constantly speeding up or ducking out of

view every time Dream was in a ten foot

radius of him.

But why?

Had Dream done something wrong?

So for the whole week guilt loomed over him.

Like a dark cloud on a stormy day.

He grew irritated at the littlest things, constantly

pushing his friends away.

And it wasn't until he shoved Sapnap that he

realized it was too much.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Dream?"

Sapnap had looked at Dream with such hurt

in his eyes.


Dream could only stare at Sapnap with his

mouth slightly parted and guilt in his eyes.

And when he went to basketball practice, he

was so confused as to why everyone was huddled

Around a bright screen, jeering and cheering, some

even wincing.

"Yo Dream, look how we fucked up the faggot!"

The guy grins, his crooked teeth sticking out.

He slowly walked over, in a hazy and confused trance.

And when he saw what was on the phone, he recoiled

and backed away in disgust. 

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