Chapter One: Escape from Crete

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Felix Faust was a asshole.

That was Superboy's first thought as he regained consciousness. Groaning, the Kryptonian's head was spinning and his stomach was doing backflips. No amount of invulnerability ever prepared for the harsh sting of magic. He forced himself into a standing position in the midst of a pile of flattened boxes that had acted as his cushion and tried to regain his bearings.

The Team had been working beside the League to investigate the movements of the Felix Faust. The dark sorcerer had broken into multiple museums carrying objects belonging to Morgan Le Faye. They had a planned a sting operation in the Metropolis History Museum when the wizard had appeared, well prepared for the legion of heroes awaiting him.

It had been a tough battle but the combined forces of Superman and Zatara had brought the wizard to his knees. Before the magic blocking collar could be placed on him, the wizard released one final shot aimed at Superman.

Superboy had moved instinctively and pushed the Kryptonian aside. Taking the blow for himself.

Finding himself no longer in the museum, but a empty warehouse instead, he realized the wizard must have transported him away.

He tried to call out for his teammates.

"M'gann, Kid Flash, Artemis, Aqualad, Robin, can anybody hear me?"


He was out of range for the mental link at least. He tapped the communicator in his ear and called for his team again but still more silence. He tapped it gain to change the channel to contact the older heroes.

"Batman? Red Tornado? Canary?"

Rewarded with the suddenly deafening sound of static, he frowned. Faust's magic must have messed with his tech..

Walking out of the warehouse, Superboy saw the distant sight of the Daily Planet. Confirming at least that he was still in Metropolis. Leaping into the air, he prepared to leap back to the Museum, when he heard a sharp cry of distress in the distance.

The League could wait a few minutes,. Changing directions, he jumped towards the sound and Superboy found the site of a fire in the middle of a burning two story building. A group of worried bystanders standing in front of it.

"My babies are in there," a woman in the group cried.

Landing roughly in front of the structure, the ground splintering under his feet, Superboy turned on his infrared to search for survivors. Locating two figures huddling in the upper level, he ripped the door open and made his way inside the blaze.

The heat didn't burn the kryptonian but it did sting. Stray flames licking at his T-shirt, making Superboy certain it would join so many of its fallen brethren by the end of the day as he made his way up the stairs. The stairs nearly collapsing under his weight.

Superboy never felt more envious of Superman's ice breath than he did at this moment. As the blaze continued to only get hotter. He managed to make his way up the flight as they collapsed behind him.

Shaking it off, Superboy quickly located the survivors. Two girls no older than six and ten respectively holding each other for dear life.

"It's okay," he said gently, hooking his arms around the children, that instantly wrapped their arms around his neck. "I'm here to help."

"Superman?" The older girl said, pointing to his emblem.

Superboy bit his tongue. His parental issues don't matter at the moment. "Something like that." Locating the closest window, he ordered the children. "Hold tight, okay?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2021 ⏰

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