Part one - the morning of

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January ,2,2021 started out as just any other day normal groggy outside due to it being winter .I had woken up around 7:30 that day I hopped in the shower as I was getting out of the shower I could hear my mom arguing with someone on the phone downstairs so I got dressed cleaned up my room a little bit and then went downstairs and when I went downstairs I heard my father say " she's my child,to I should get to see her to I have only seen her once since she's been home" as my mother proceeded to say that it was my choice if I wanted to see him or not my father kept,demanding that my mother bring me up to his trailer to see him I kept telling my mother I didn't feel right about this I told her twice that I felt like something bad was going to happen I just didn't know exactly what was going to happen mom kept saying "you will be fine" but I thought to myself "will I though" never really thinking much of it honestly just trying to figure out what this "bad thing was that I kept sensing

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