Part three -at the hospitial

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I then was rushed to the hospital by ambulance and it kinda was scary as fuck  tho I'm not going to lie honestly was really scary as fuck I had to have emergency surgery by what my mom was telling me that is what happened after I got out of emergency surgery they put me in a medically induced a coma I was in the a coma for about 2and a half months which honestly was so fucking scary I honestly didn't know what to do but as time went on my life seemed to get slot worse everyone was telling .My mom how they missed me I spent about six months in the hospital at first when I first arrived in the hospital I slipped into acoma and then I woke up out of acoma but I was in so much pain that they had to put me on meds to keep me relaxed and no in so much pain I went through a lot in the hospital went through over 21 surgeries many physical therapy sessions while I was in the hospital at first only having my gram and my mom came to see me but then my pap got sick and gram couldn't come see me anymore

Stay tuned for part 4

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