chp-2 getting ready

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Y/N- " hey get up"

GRACIE- (slap her) " why its early"

Y/N- " fine go back to sleep but I'll look perfect for when I meet Nash and you'll look like a slutty bum"

GRACIE- " fine I'm up. Pagie get up"

PAGIE- " I'm so excited"

Y/N- (looking in your closet for outfit)
" I can't find anything to wear. Gooooddd!!"

PAGIE- " if you want we have a couple hours if you want to go to the mall"

Y/N- " okay"


GRACIE- " hey look at this pink skater skirt"

PAGIE-" that's cute but I know what kind of outfit I want to wear"

Y/N- (saw Nash, Hayes and Cameron and also carter in disguise)" Hey Gracie I'll be right back"

GRACIE- " okay meet us at topshop when you get done. Wait do you think this dress is cute"

Y/N- "it's cute. I got to go" ( starts running)

PAGIE- "what's up with her"


Y/N- "where could they be" (starts running and looking for them)

PAGIE-  "hey do you want Starbucks Gracie"

GRACIE- "yes I really need it"

Y/N- (calling pagie)
Y/n- "hey I need you and Gracie now hurry"
Pagie- "what happened. where are you"
Y/n-" I'm by Urban outfitters"
Pagie- "this is Gracie that was not the meeting spot"
Y/n- hurry Cameron and Hayes and also Carter is in Urban outfitters 
Pagie- "coming and ooo this is still Gracie"


NASH- "hey did you see my friend" (tapping on y/n shoulder)

Y/N- " ya their in Urban outfitters"

NASH- "thanks your cute and thanks for not letting me get noticed"

Y/N- " ya I didn't want to get hurt or have you get hurt so I acted as normal as I could"

NASH- "Hey thanks and hope I see you later"

Y/N- "your welcome and I hope I see you later too"

NASH- "ooo and you have an amazing smile"

Y/N- (excited)



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