ch-3 IT BEGINS (short)

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PAIGE-" Did I just see what I thought I just saw "

Y/N- "What did you see"

PAGIE- Wou and Nash talking"

Y/N-" Ya I was talking to Nash"
(Cuts you off)

GRACIE-"About what"

Y/N- "He asked if I knew were his friends are"

PAGIE- "Really is that all"

Y/N- "Yes that's all we talked about okay"

PAGIE- "Okay let's go"


Y/N- " Hey guys I'm going to get a pretzel I'll be right back"

PAGIE- "Bring me back a pizza pretzel back"

Y/N-"Okay"(walks away fast)


HAYES-" Hey your that cute girl that I've seen"

Y/N-"Where did you see me," (said confused) "Ooo but first hey hayes"

HAYES-" When you where helping my brother Nash"

Y/N- "Ooo he asked if I knew were his friends were and I said ya in there"

HAYES- "Okay so back to the start of the conversation. I think your adorable and here's my number"

Y/N- (think OMG super excited)
"My friend is texting me asking were i am and if i got her pretzel so i got to go"

HAYES- "Text me later"
(Lip bite)

Y/N- "Ya I'll text you later"
(Walk away)


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