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In the mountains of the Moon lies a kingdom no human can ever find, for it has the power of making itself invisible to any human. A kingdom that moonfolk lived for even when civilizations were formed on the planet that it orbits. In today's time the kingdom's princess, Selene, is sure that she is ready to ascend to the throne. Little did she know, that piece of chair that holds the power to ruling a kingdom will change her life forever.

Selene was one of the two children of King Hyperion, the other one being his younger brother, Helios. Since their childhood, it was obvious that Helios was always the one favored by their father. Selene did everything to impress her father, like being one of the smartest among her age group, the other earning her position as the guardian of the Archives.

"Father, look! I can make lunar energy!" she happily informs her father about the power that she obtained

The lunar energy is what humans call light that comes from the Moon at night, which helps them to have a stable climate. The Moon is also responsible for the tides that produce rhythm that has guided humans for thousands of years


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