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(Selene POV)

I wake up early in the morning, "Another day of training, I gotta meet Jill".

Jill is my teacher, life coach, mostly everything. Since I was a kid he's been the one teaching me how to fight and everything I needed to know in order to protect myself also the Archive. As I was making my way to the training field I saw Helios in the library nearby, our castle has tons of libraries, making the Archive largest.

"Leo! What are you doing this early in the library?" I asked, screaming quietly. "I didn't sleep tonight, I was studying how to cast invisibility spells, if you would've used the Archive spell you would've given me the books I needed." He said.

Helios, my little brother is always the favored one in the both of us. Even though I was the one with the most achievements, smarter, stronger and more ruler-material, father wasn't impressed with all of that. No I didn't just get cocky, everyone says that about me.

"Well I told you that I was busy training and studying, anyways gotta go, Jill is waiting for me" I said while sprinting towards the training field. As I arrived Jill was right there looking at me like I was going to have to battle a monster as punishment.

"You're late." Jill said with a deadly glare.

"I'm sorry I was uhm, I was distracted by Leo." I replied. Jill was the scariest mentor when he's either in a bad mood, sad, or his student did something wrong. He's very strict with punctuality which now gets me scared because I'm 5 minutes late.

"Don't blame your brother for being late, now get a sword and join Artemis and Hecate." Jill ordered. "So you're with my brother now, since when did my mentor betrayed me?" I added.

I know my mentor wouldn't change sides, well even if there were sides.

Me and Helios started to compete for father's attention. I've always thought that he favors Helios because he's the male but to the point that he wants him to be king, even though I am the firstborn and rightful heir to the throne.

"There are no sides Selene, it's just the beef between you and your brother for the throne" Jill responded.

"Have you been visiting Earth nowadays Jill? Seems to me that you've been liking their slang huh." I exclaimed happily. Ever since I was allowed to leave the Moon, I've been visiting Earth here and there. Learning about humans was my thing back then, seeing if they're still worthy of being given energy.

I joined Artemis and Hecate who were taking a break. "Ladies, how are we, it seems like you've been here for hours already.", I said while hugging them.

"You're late, why? You were never late. Is there something going on?", Artemis said. Artemis is one of my childhood friends. Artemis came from a poor family, the only reason I was friends with her since childhood was because I used to go outside a lot. One day at Helios' ball celebrating his birthday, Artemis' father saved mine from an intruder, so my father gave him a position at the Palace, hence them being one of the richest families in The Moon.

"Well, I was distracted because I saw Helios with books to cast an invisibility spell, so I was curious, what if he's learning that spell to use it to stab me so he can become king?" I reasoned. I cannot take my guard down, any move can mean anything. Being paranoid is also being safe.

"Why is it that you find everything that your brother does a threat to you?" Hecate countered. Hecate here is my cousin, she was the one who helped me sneak out of the palace to play with Artemis. Her mother was my mom's sister, older sister, she turned down to be married to the love of her life, my uncle, Prince Benjamin. What a love story.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2022 ⏰

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