3.The strange woods

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Corra's P.O.V
I dreamt of a faceless man with a suite and tie I was in eerie looking woods I was far away from him. he was saying something and I had to focus in on it I heard him say "now child come to me" and against my will my feet started to walk toward him I heard this ringing in my ears and felt dizzy and had a headache but I kept walking I tried to force my feet to stop but they wouldn't until I was very close to him I took one more step...
I woke up in the woods from my dream. "how did I get here?" I thought to myself. I had a massive headache and the ringing in my ears.After hours of wandering around I finally walked out of the woods and stood there trying to figure out where I was and what to do. I walked away from the woods and eventually found a small store decided it was better than to keep wondering about so I went into the shop. It seemed normal enough so I asked for instructions to the nearest town. "Well... were close to one which is fortunate for you" he gave me instructions for the town. "Thank you" I forcefully flashed him the most innocent smile I could muster and walked out the shop and started to walk

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