5. The Getaway

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"911 what's your emergency?" The operator said. I put on the most frightened voice I could muster and said "I-I found two lumberjacks in the woods..they're dead" "are you sure they are dead ma'am?" "Yes I am sure" "alright then can you give us your location?" "Uh actually I am not sure were I am can you track it with my phone location?" "Yes ma'am I can but it will take longer to track is that okay?" "Y-yeah that's fine thank you" "your welcome ma'am" *click* the Operator hung up. I wiped my phone clean with my jeans and dropped it to the ground next to the bodies and took off from the woods looking for a way out I eventually found road and I went across it and saw the police cars go to the woods. I smiled and continued walking in the opposite direction hiding the small axe I was still holding.

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