Game of the Fate [2]

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Chapter 2


     Really it started to rain. This made everyone in class a little distracted. Some were even asleep. I looked through the window how it rains. Not that I have anything against the teacher Mrs. Parker, but math is one of the subject which I hated most. So does my best friend Liz love this boring subject. She loved to learn. She was very excited. At that she and Soren alike. Moreover, she was in love with my brother since we were five years ago. She thinks I do not know. She is too shy to tell me. And she is a human. Although she does not distinguish between her and me. I was her best friend, not a vampire that can do things with inhuman abilities. Well, she likes that.

     And as I said, just Liz closely followed the words of the teacher. Or almost careful. I noticed how out of her notebook were written “S + E” surrounded by hearts. (Liz is short for Elizabeth). This made me smile slightly. Even happier I was when the bell announced the end of mathematics. I got notebooks in the bag with both Liz came out in a crowded corridor. There we caught up with Avery Swan. He was third in the group. He was a werewolf and I think he was gay. And he thought so. But he was my best friend. So I did not care who he is. And I do not care for his sexual orientation.

     He and Liz were talking about something and I did not hear them. Then someone stopped us. I realized it when I heard the voice of Liz. She looked more angry than usual. It is no surprise to the cause of her anger was. His name is Jet and his band still fretted Avery and Liz.

-Let see, who was here! Little bitch Avery. – Jet grinned.

-Why not get out? – yelled Liz. – Go to chasing your tail, fool.

     Then Jet looked at me. I replied to his look. I did not like this guy. He was tedious and arrogant.

-And if this is not little vampire… Do you drink someone’s blood today, bloodsucker? – He loved to get stuck.

     I was about to answer him when my brother came. He stood between me and Jet. He looked serious.

-You got a problem? – Soren growled. – Leave my sister alone, if you do not want to crush you.

-You again? Maybe she can not to protect herself. Useless vampire. – Jet grinned.

     My brother was going to hit him, but I stopped him because I saw that in the hall is assigned deputy director. Not that I don’t want Soren to break the face of that dog, but I would not let my brother suffer. I got Soren for his hand and led him away through the crowd. Liz and Avery go out with us. I felt the tension in the body of my brother. He was furious. So I grabbed him to the back of the school where almost nobody went. There he was able to pour all his rage on a tree. He hit it while his hands were covered with blood and wounds. Then I stopped him. We were only two, because Liz and Avery went in a class. I grabbed his hands and began to clean the blood.

-Sorry, brother!

     He looked at me.

-Why be sorry? It’s not your fault, and on that idiot.

-You had to leave me alone to do it.

-I’m your brother. I will always protect you. I know you can do if yourself but I can not sit back and watch indifferently.

-But I don’t want to be hurt because of me. – I almost cried.

     It is unusual for a vampire to have such emotion. No… I mean to show emotions. But it was painful to watch how my brother suffers. So I hugged him hard. He kissed me on the forehead and hugged me too. Now we were both more relaxed.

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