The first victory

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The hell roared in fervor to engulf its prey, as he stood in the witness stand allowing the complete stillness in the courtroom to immerse him before the judge blurted his decisive ruling.

 eyes wholly oblivious of the judgment he stood there with zero emotions. A triumphant smile escaped Barr Amina's lips as she stare at the obstructing party conveying a defeating look, she gawked at Barr Salihu as he spoke in a quiet tone to the felon who finally met his judgments today. The defeating gaze she glimpsed from their faces made it clear that the culprit finally got the message, it took him a second before he gushed into tears after getting the news relayed to him and on a second look his clothes were already drenched in tears and sweat, his rough tone is now pleading for justice from the court.  The once quiet courtroom has now swerved into a barbaric space after the exit of the judge.

The noise arising from the crowd did nothing in stopping Amina from getting through to Barr Salihu and in a smidge of time she appeared standing on his way

 "A congratulatory word won't do you any harm Barr Salihu" she smirked annoyingly adjusting her gown trying to get on his nerves.

He forced a grin out of his dreary lips, disappointment written all over his wrinkled face as the sun gleam at its forty-seven degrees reflecting on his bald head.

"A woman is only successful when she finally settle down and take care of her family, and stop trying to create a name for herself in the society which has no value for such despicable beings, you belong only to the kitchen not here young lady" he grumbled trying to maintain the grin he wears to avoid inviting needless attention.

"But that kitchen caretaker still defeats you in there, I'm ashamed to call you a lawyer your mindset is terrible, how can a man even think like this, you are awful"  she retaliated with an exact attitude at the same time, wearing a friendly face. 

"Don't be overwhelmed by small victories like this, you will get deceived and at the end, you will regret crossing the path, don't say I didn't warn you"

"Even if this happens to be the last case I achieved in my entire career, I would be glad that I once stood against injustice, I fought a battle and at the end, justice overrules injustice"

Barrister Salihu dispatched a toxic gaze before he finally walk out on her without further utterance.

"Barr Amina, we have been wandering striving to find you"  an aged man voiced out. 

The man was accompanied by a tall slender woman, her dark tan hijab drained in sweat enhanced her dark skin giving her a disheveled appearance  Another man who appears youthful stood beside her holding up a girl not older than an eight years kid, her hair was in a full bunch, her ebony skin made the brownish hair more notable emphasis the inadequacy of care she lived in. 

Amina walked towards them grabbing a closer observation at how disrupted they looked, but still on their bewildered faces an aura of satisfied emotion emerges, which seems to be stimulated literally from their hearts, the satisfactory look on their faces is more than enough to make her delighted of her decision to fight the case. 

"Amina mun gode, Allah ya saka miki da alkhairi, we will forever be grateful for what you have done to our family. Ba don ke ba da bamu san ya zamuyi ba" the elderly man blurted trying to hold up the tears that attempt to escape his orbs.

"Haba Baba, ai yi wa kai neh, hope she's feeling better now," she said giggling at the little girl.

"Yes, she's fine, Thank you Amina may Allah bless you" the woman troop the sentence out of her dried throat. 

"Didn't I tell you, that the trial will be in our favor, and look he eventually earned his punishment " Amina declared with a wide grin across her face?

Amina drew in an air of accomplishment, as she trudge into the keke napep, she sat having the feeling of what it felt like to gain a victory on your own, it's surely an enormous achievement

She literally received hundreds of congratulatory remarks at the court which came from her colleagues except her nemesis Barrister Salihu, who lost to her. But why will she even foresee him to praise her After all she's the motive behind his degradation and she tanned his name in the field of law, she made him lose the utmost admiration he earned from both junior and senior colleagues. 

It's been nearly two years, but he still carries grudges against her.

The driver pulled her out of her thought when he parked in front of a middle-sized bungalow. Amina step out and handed him a two hundred naira note.

"Hajiya, I don't get change ooo" he said scanning through his empty pocket "

"You can keep it..." she ordered

"Today is a delightful day for me" she muttered under her breathe while heading toward the house which is surrounded by a black fence.

"Thank you, madame, may God bless you abundantly, irin ku akeso Hajiya" he exclaimed

She swiftly unlocked the gate and stepped into the house, the compound is occupied by a single-vehicle Peugeot 206, which appeared to be there for quite some time, it's coated by dust and the windscreen has a few cracks.

"If only its owner is still here, it won't have been in this condition," Amima thought before she finally walked into the main building. 

She found mama seated on the carpet, as usual, her eyes fixed on the average size plasma screen that was placed on the TV stand In one corner of the parlor which is neither lavish nor lacking.

"Assalamu alaikum" Amina greeted

"Wa alaikum salaam" mama responded without taking her eyes off the TV screen.

"Har kin dawo kennan" she inquired her eyes still maintaining their status while she grabbed a bite from a small portion of kola nut.

"Yes mama,  It was just the ruling of that case I told you about and I have no work at the chamber today"

"Mariya's case koh, so how did it go?" She asked, taking her eyes off the Television.

"It went well, Alhamdulillah it was in our favor" she revealed 

"And how much did they pay you for that" mama asked jokingly 

"Mamaaa…" Amina yelled

" it's just a pro bono, the people can't afford a penny and even if they can, I won't approve it from them, they are going through a lot, the mother is still affected by the situation" she explained

"Haka neh Amina, you have done a good job, Allah ya miki albarka. The mother won't be able to get over it any sooner, her child's life has been ruined at a very tender age" mama blurted with pity written all over her face

"The damn rapist got his twenty-five years imprisonment today and I am glad Barrister Salihu was there to witness the verdict" Amina spoke her face still carrying the victorious smile as she spoke of Salihu 

"I'm glad he was there to see your first victory…" mama exclaimed

"...its time for Asr prayer, please help me to my room" she requested

Amina stood from her seating posture and reached out to the wheelchair that has been kept behind the double seatér, she managed to heave Mama into the chair and steered her to the room. 

Hi beautiful people

Meet Amina, oops Barrister Amina and today marks her first victory at the court.

I guess you met Barrister Salihu too, what's between the two?

Alright, let's figure it out in the next chapter.

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Ayeeshah SB

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